sanding through/into weave

OK so shapping went so smooth, I should have known glassing would through some obstacles at me. I’m doing a 10’6" cruiser with RR Epoxy and 2x6oz deck 6oz bottom (yellow pigment cutlap).

So I sanding seems to be were I need the most practice. Sanded through a couple spots. First sanded into one of my bubbles on the deck (no color) - took that opurtunity to do a ding repairs style patch and fixed the worst of the bubbles. Then sanded through the tail on the bottom. Decided if I was going to mix another color batch to repair that I’d also clean up my poorly wrapped tailer cuts. 5 repiars later, that is looking good.

So here is the question…

I have several spots were I sanded into the weave (not through it but I now have fuzzy spots from glass hairs. Do I need to re-hotcoat or just be real careful as I fininsh sanding the hotcoat and let the glosscoat cover/seal?

follow on:

will the gloss coat be enough to keep it all water tight?

do I hot coat the whole board or just give it a patch coat in the toubbe areas?

is it ok that I sanded into the glass from my free lap? is this normal?

Its not as pretty as I had hoped but board one is almost done. What a learning experience. Hopefully I won’t make all the same mistakes on board 2.


Hey 4est, sorry I did not get that information to you on my Velzy. I was tring to get ready for my trip to Kauai. I’m back from my trip now and I’m still tring to get back on CA time. Your sand to the weave should be covered with you gloss coat with no problem. If you think that one coat of gloss will not cover just use two coats, believe me on a 10’6" board a little extra gloss is no problem. Post pic, I for one would love to see what you have come up with.