
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, if it shouldnt be here, feel free to remove it…

I’m thinking about going on a trip for a month or so down to central america. mexico isnt the only option… I havn’t ruled out any places and havn’t really decided on any either. From what i hear, Sayulita will be a good place… Im looking for:

a place where the waves break left and right

not too crowded.

cheap accomodation (camping, bungalows, etc)

cheap food

i dont need nightlife. just somewhere to have a beer.

i dont need double overhead waves

I’ll probably be going between april and july. one buddy and i, neither of us rip.

if ur talking about the sayulita by PV, it gets super crowded (at least in the summer), and the locals can be a bit adverse, it is a fun wave tho.

Try El Salvador. If you can. It seems to have gotten a bad rap because of the internal fighting back over ten years ago, but it’s really quite chill. I know before I went, I looked up all kinds of stuff on it. The web seemed to all be saying that it was full of locals ready to rob you for the stringy holding your boardshorts up. The locals are really chill, and they are more than ready to share waves. The only problems that I ran into was some old guy (a gringo like myself, and quite obviously not from around there) yelling at me to find my own waves. I was just paddling out at that point, and so I figure it’s just a greedy jerk looking to hold his own. other than that, try it. The water is warm, and la Libertad, punta roca, etc. are quite uncrowded on weekdays. During weekends everyone heads down to the beach, so you get longcraft, prones, and chips all looking for the same wave. But they are still really chill.