SB/Cali Fracking

Be one with nature.  Swim with dolphins, fly with gulls and bask in the beauty of Mother Ocean.

“According to the Center for Biological Diversity, oil rig operators have federal permits to dump more than nine billion gallons of fracking wastewater into California’s ocean waters each year.”

Surf’s up duuuude!

Take a look at this radiation map. 

I’m a bit skeptical about the radiation map.  I checked the noaa website and the only map I saw that looked like this was a tsunami dispersal map, not radiation.  Plus, that is not how currents move in the Pacific, or any ocean that I know of. Maybe give us the noaa site links. I’m surprised fracking waste are being dumped into the Pacific since you can’t even fart in the ocean without spending thousands of dollars in epa studies and other payoffs. Mike


Radiation in the Pacific is a hell of a lot less than when OPS was a grom!

In my generation they were nuking South Pacific islands and blowing the shit outta stuff! So if anything the radiation has been worse. And as for spills, etc.  Jezz!

Fracking and dumping  effects us locals to the Channel Islands hey ya know what? I am really an oldphart and have been surfin’ Vtra/SntaB  most my life, hey I’m bald, ugly and glow in the dark! And if you don’t really want to wind up like me, get outta the water! OPS mean sell your board(s) gear and quit! 

I probably swam in worse as a kid in Lake Erie.

Likely surfed in worse from my mid-teens to mid-30s at the Dow jetties.

But mo ain’t betta.

Multi-national conglomerates got the big bucks …