I’m making a copy of a friends board for myself, then a scaled up copy as a bday present for someone else with clark foam, but the thing is its an old plastic fantastic that’s three inches thick, and its hard to find a blank (I’m using clark foam this time). I decided on a 6’9A for the shorter one (6’2x20x3) and am going to make the scaled up version 6’6 x 21.25 x 3.325 and still haven’t decided on a blank, but, I didn’t know what to do with the fin setup. Do I scale up the runner fins (its a three fin) and leave the backs in the same spot, or move the fronts up a little ways and leave them the same size?
Then if I wanted to use epoxy instead of poly, it makes a lighter board, so how much more float would that allow? If I could decrease the thickness on both of them and still keep them performing and floating close to the same way, how much of a decrease? I heard in a surfshop that epoxy makes a board twenty percent lighter, so would that mean I could decrease its volume by twenty percent and it would still be the same? It doesn’t sound right to me…
But back to the original question, what do I do with the runner fins?