Scott Anderson Projector

I believe this is the name of the Farberow model. Does anyone know the specifics of this board? Not just the dimensions, but what type of waves and conditions it’s designed for.

josh goes to those snobby trustafarian point breaks near point conception.The ones with fat guys with range rover’s and big cigars and attitude to match-- cya next weekend!!

WOW, that guy really knows Josh, huh? According to the Anderson flyer the dimensions are: 9’7" x 18 1/2 x 23 x 14 1/2 x 3 1/2. I’ve never heard them called the projector before. By the by, Josh works at the Northern ranch so aptly described by the previous ‘person’. My best guess is that other ‘person’ wrote that response because he dropped in on Josh one day to find out how fast and accurate he surfs those boards of his. More than likely it went up that ‘persons’ ass and that is why he said those things, he did sound like he was talking out his ass, didn’t it? The board does work best in point breaks. Draws a nice line and holds the tip solidly. My husband has had two of them and most of our friends have at least one in their quiver. By the way, there is a learning curve to them. You have to get used to their responsiveness and turn them with a foot further back than you might be used to. Otherwise a really great board.

longboards were dead 30 yrs ago i thought?That place is for transplant yuppies!Sorry it’s just the truth.The real guys bailed long ago

Its called the pocher not the projector.Its a retro 2+1 setup roundpin with a single wing thicker foil. Aquatech 310 5785860.

ITs not a longboard its made from 6’0’’ to 8’0’'.Josh did 2 yrs of r and d on the pocher.

I think the R&D was originally off of a Wilderness made for Josh, then taken to L.A. for Anderson. Old school / New school.

You seem cranky,I think you need a little rest. I suggest you try washing down 40 sleeping pills with a 5th of Stoli. Does the trick every time.

Ray you are correct sir.

I saw a couple of old school single fin plan shapes with modern bottoms and original fins that somehow end up as Anderson models. I wonder how much recognition Duncan gets on these deals, especially with fins. Is it one of those situations where you teach the kids new tricks and then they put you in a nursing home? Still, those boards are fun to surf. Thanks Duncan!

The board I saw at a local shop was 6’-4",and looked like it had a single concave from rail to rail on about the last third.

josh goes to those snobby trustafarian point breaks near point conception.The ones with fat guys with range rover’s and big cigars and attitude to match-- cya next weekend!! the home of the $175,000.00 surf pass. we’ll talk “deals” in the line up just so you think we’re bitchin

sittin’ on one of the beaches that has a vehicle access “ramp” a couple years or so ago.just three of us enjoying the serenity and beauty, when out of nowhere here comes a big friggin’ lincoln suv(so new it yet to have plates) flying off the ramp onto the beach(literally airborne)landing about ten feet away from us.Burn down the beach to the point, get out, piss, get back in and start haulin’ back.They were stopped and spoken to.Turned out they were new “members” coming back from a day of golf and drink ( and cigars)just the kinda folks you don’t want and shouldn’t be in a place like that-they have no idea what that area is all about.definitley feel for the old crew…

yes , i was just telling it as i see it .I use to go there when john bradbury and greenough and etc ruled the place .I respected that ,now it’s just brats and posers.I can drive in any time.I go elsewhere.You can have it.