Hey there peoples. Anyone that might have a messed up piece of foam laying around, or from a broken board that I could use to reshape into a bodyboard for my nephew. Please let me know if you would be willing to part with it. Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I have a block of 2# super tight bead EPS you can have if you pay for the shipping. Its around 6’ long, 2’ wide and 7 inches thick. I got it to made a stringer less board out of but I havent gotten around to making a wire to cut it. You are welcome to it. I could cut it down to fit it into a box for shipping if you dont need the whole 6’ I suppose.
hi where do you live?
i might be interested in the foam if no on else has taken it
I’ve got a 4’ x 2’ x 2’ of 2lbs EPS you can have. Kind of far away from you though. I’m in San Diego.