Hey, I just drew an elaborate drawing with waterbased paint pens on a board and I tried to seal it with Krylon Matte Finish Clear Acrylic spray and it put a haze on it. Now it looks like total crap. Does anyone know how to spray and not get the haze? Thanks nick
i had the same problems. mine left small white cracks??? is it possible to buy clear coat to shoot through an airbrush??
…I think you put it on a bit heavy.The cloudy looks will/should vanish in the lam.Use Future instead,next time.Herb
…yup,the clear floor finish, at your local supermarket,waterbased and smells great too!Herb
can i shoot it with an airbrush,?,thanks herb
Don’t need to, just smear it on with a sponge, scotch-brite inbetween coats - I just did my first, worked great for sealing pinholes (well, we’ll see in a few), but I don’t know how much I would trust it for protecting artwork - it’s thin. I’d hit it with a high grit sand afterwards, or else it’s real slippery. HERB - I’ve noticed that it left a white residue, did it put it on too thick? It didn’t show up until a few days afterwards - actually I think after a few sessions.
Howzit Herb, Does future have any acrylic thinner in it? I don’t use it but I was wondering. Another glasser on Kauai did a pin line on a sanded finish board an sealed it with spray clear acrylic. When the shaper got the board back he decided to apply sealer to the whole board. Big mistake, the sealer he used had acrylic thinner in it and it totally wiped out the pin line, OOPS. When it comes to pins on a sanded finish I paint them on the foam so it’s not a problem I worry about, but there are others who might make the mistake. Aloha, Kokua
…yeah Rook to thick; you can scrunge pad it some more,and you’ll probably have to do it again in a few,no biggie,or just clear it off and start over.Herb
hey kokua,was that clear acrylic with Kryon or similar spray can? or is it possible to get a clear acrylic to shoot with a small airbrush? i am still having some minor bleed problems with paint pens. i am glassing over the art work. maybe too much styrene with the s/a and about %5 of styrene???
…I’ve never had a problem with Future as a cover coat on foam, over airbrushing or pin lines.It’s waterbased,and if it has styrene in it, which I doubt,it’s not enough to cause any problems.Teddy you can use it thru your sprayer,I do!Herb
…Kokua,I’ve sealed sanded finishes with Future (w/posca pin work)with no problems.Herb
…I’d be leary of the Smart & final Iris brands of floor acrylics,they smell like they have cleaners in them, such as ammonia,and petro-chemicals like styrene. …Future doesn’t clean your floors, just seals them after you clean them with something else.Herb
teddy, use minwax’s polycrylic. sprays nicely through the gun you don’t need to thin it just pour through a filter first. however, i think the future stuff may be the way out. herb, does it cover scrathes? or do you need multi coats to hide 'em?
thanks… its on an old board though, doesn’t really bother me, just wanted to know why, so I don’t make the same mistake on the next one. Other than that, Future rules… much easier than putting another thin coat of resin on. Floor sealer, baby diaper filler, for sale signs… what’s next Herb? If you can find a way to use those damn AOL diskettes for making or fixing surfboards, we’d all be in heaven.
I say the damn AOL cd’s would make interesting fins - cut in quarters as unfoiled sidebites. Or whole as the basis of a bigger widebase laminated clear fin. Herb?.. Halcyon?
i say sew the aol cd’s inside a boardbag shiny side up. think how much heat would be reflected away from your ride!!!
…You need to go about three coats to cover most scratches.Thin coats.I put it on with a damp piece of old t-shirt,and wipe from nose to tail from end to end continuously.Herb
Howzit Allen, those cd’s make great glass coasters and one xmas I made decorations for the tree out of them.Aloha, Kokua