Sealing Posca Pen Artwork - Is acrylic spray really the best?

I’ve just done some test artwork on an existing epoxy board. Sanded it to 400 grit, cleaned it with acetone, drew on it with water based Posca pen then sprayed it with several coats of Plasti-kote Clear Super Acrylic spray paint in a can - its supposed to be their toughest scratch resistant product but already some of the line work near the rails is rubbing off. Have had the same problem with other acrylics.

I’ve always heard and read that you must seal your artwork on the topcoat with acrylic spray but have always been doubtful about its durability. Obviously it cannot complete with artwork on a rice paper graphic beneath the resin but surely there must be a better way of preserving ones artwork without handling your board with kidgloves. Lots of coats of acrylic spray in a can? An expensive industrial acyrlic? Acrylic from a spray gun? Or something else like a thin layer of clear polyurethane varnish? Polyester gloss coat?

I have just finished a custom epoxy longboard and I will be sealing some serious graphics that is going to be done on all of the bottom by a graphic designer so I would like to be coinfident that the artwork is going to be preserved.

I use a clear flat finish spray can acrylic on the posca I have done. I add at least 5 or 6 coats letting them dry between applications. To this point I have not had any problems with the artwork scratching or coming off. Make sure you apply in a clean environment and try to apply them all in a matter of an hour or so. Getting it done in a short period of time eliminates the possiblity of contaminants such as dust and dirt finding their way into the clear coat.

If your artwork is rubbing off the acrylic is not dry, or you haven't sealed it well enough.

seal it with matt finish,, then poly gloss it

mabe that 2pac stuff is the way to go if you dont have the cajones to play with poly

This could be the problem. I did not put on enough coats. I’ll try doing 6.

Did think of this Kensurf but did not want to add weight but also no cajones at the mo to sand the gloss coat afterwards. Something to try tho.
(Shopping List - remember to get cajones)


glad you took my wizecrack lightly

Im sure if you get enough clear of anything on it ,, it will be fine


…hello lover,

take it in this way: do you think if the rattle can is too good why not paint cars with it?

These cans do the job, but not the best way.

So, to seal on the h coat you have only 2 otions: gloss coat or speed finish (real one)

Some posca colors and other type of colors cannot stand a gloss coat; they bleed when you pass the brush couple of times, nigthmare way…

White and all those who have big % of white can do the job, others will bleed or run.

-Speed finish: you should use an air compressor.


and is cojones, not cajones



Oh my word...we have talked about this adnausem...If you lived closer to me I drive over and kick you in your taco....

Don't bring a plastic knife to a gun fight?   Either cover it with poly resin, or use a 2 pac automotive grade covering.   For the love of the cajones plasticote is is all the stuff at the hardware store.  If you want durabality, then get something that's made to deflect bugs at 90+MPH, not something that's made to cover grandmas wicker toilet paper holder.

You get what you pay for, and durability will costs. If you go cheap and easy then  be prepared to have your multicolored whatsamacallit scratch and and easy.         Get a can of UPOL #1 Clear coat, it's made by the Germans.  Germans make solid products.   You ever see a Panzer tank stuck, or broken down on the side of the road...Or a V2 rocket fail to launch.. in the last 20 years?  See, Solid.

And Holy COW! 5 or 6 coats...WTF that would take days to complete.  Shoot it with 2 coats of UPOL and polish it out. 

    Howzit sabrina,I just clean it with soap and rinse with fresh water,let it air dry and gloss it. The real trick is not to brush it to much with the gloss resin since he styrene in the gloss resin will eat the posca away so only brush the gloss as little as possible.Aloha,Kokua

Kicked in the taco. Cajones instead of cojones. No wonder I can no longer walk properly.

With this board I do not have the luxury of experimenting with poly gloss so I have decided to go with U-POL #1 Clear. I ordered a can on eBay this morning - twice the price of grandmas wicker toilet paper holder acrylic spray but looks well worth it. I shall follow your advice  Resinhead and try 2 coats.

Do you clean board with acetone first? (Drew Brophy advice)

The poly gloss I shall try on one of my boards first. Thanks guys.

Finish your board sand to 320 where art is going.

Do art work

Spray cover with UPOL, do 2 coats

if you have a heavy or light hand, more applications might be necessary.. ..I can't help you there.

Sand out orange peel and bugs with a 500 grit wet/dry sponge, or wet/dry paper....i perfer the sponges

Polish out with a quality polish to a showroom shine.