second board shaped up for the choppingblock

ok so as i have no calipers i cant give you dims on thickness etc. its 6 long, about 20 wide and thick enough to float me.(2 and 3/4 or so)

i have a lance collins, danny kwock model twin fin which i enjoy surfing. so i used it as a guide on this one.

his rails have bevel edges, mine are rounded out more(rails are tucked down). i put abit more rocker in the nose too.

its got a slight single concave from the nose going into a double, into flat and a vee in the tail.

its kinda all just eyeballed, done in my garage in the morning, before work. took me three sessions to finish. all done without electric tools.

havent shaped since my first acouple of years ago.

thanks to Ace for helping me pick a blank.

and to TR at Joe Ropers for glassing it for me, and quick too. had it done in one day!



[img_assist|nid=1030162|title=tail view|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=292|height=191]

TR also helped me out with the fins. thanks

[img_assist|nid=1030158|title=nicholas quad|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=275|height=321]

Looks like fun,
Good job
Do you know how much she weighs?


she comes in at 7.4 on my bathroom scale. not sure if thats correct though.

i can hardly wait for her baptism.