I’ve been getting all excited about shaping a big board, a’la Skip Frye’s section connectors or cross country boards. I’ve searched the archives for more info, but can’t find much.
Does anybody know about dimensions, tips, pitfalls etc? How big would you go? I’m thinking 11’6 or so. (6’1 x 175lbs, usually ride a 5’8 x 20.5 x 2 5/8 twin keel or quad, unless it’s big).
Any info or insights would be greatly appreciated.
I’m into the same type of thing…posted some questions a few weeks/months ago under surf/paddle hybrid (or something ike that).
Paul Jensen put up all the details on his 12’0" paddle/surf hybrid.
I talked to MIke Eaton about it; he recommended not going too big if you really want to surf it. He recommended I do an 11’0 (I’m 5’10", 155 lbs). Also, not too wide, maybe 20 to 21 inches, to increase paddle speed. Degree of belly seems to determine if it’s more"paddle" or more “surf.” You’ll most likely use some in the nose, flat under the feet and V tail.
I talked to MIke Eaton about it; he recommended not going too big if you really want to surf it. He recommended I do an 11’0 (I’m 5’10", 155 lbs). Also, not too wide, maybe 20 to 21 inches, to increase paddle speed. Degree of belly seems to determine if it’s more"paddle" or more “surf.” You’ll most likely use some in the nose, flat under the feet and V tail.
Perfectly said…
I’m in the process of making a hollow wood 11’er x 20"+/-…
21 is pretty narrow for a surfboard in theat length 11-12’ that would be more like gunnish almost. a little wider would make em a lot more stable but nothing more than 24. kingmac foam by the way does a 12’5 SUP blank but just ask them to cut 5-7 inches out of the middle tip to tip prior to glue up. i just got mine back and it looks sweet for making a 12’ slider. just some thougths of mine for what it is worth. good luck in your project. i’ll update mine as i shape it! cheers
Where are you Maz? Have you considered EPS? It’s available in 12’ blocks. I’ve got 2 that I got at the local auction yard. I could cut you a blank if you are anywhere near me(east coast near Whangarei)
I haven’t started cutting into these blocks yet, but they seem a bit less dense than what I normally use. I’m thinking about having a go at making a SUP so could easily cut another blank. PM if you are interested.
I am having Southland Designs Surfboards make me their version on the 12’ Cross Country. Check out www.sdsurfboards.com. I love the concept because I can use the board as a paddle board, surf Waikiki and surf small to medium size North Shore. I am excited also.