Guns may not be allowed, depending where you live, but the ultimate dog for protection purposes is the
The main purpose of the boerbull is to protect his family. Guests and friends must be introduced to the dog, but he still will watch anybody, and take care…, thats what I read in an german article…
Excerpt from the breed standard:
Historically the Boerboel developed as a general farm dog for the pioneers who settled in South Africa since the seventeenth century. These dogs often were a first line of defence against predators and were valuable in tracking and holding down wounded game. Old farmers told many a tale of the strength, agility and courage of the Boerboel. The dangers and harsh conditions of southern Africa allowed only the fittest to survive.
The protective character of the Boerboel is today still evident and is much sought after, as is the calm, stable and confident composure of the breed. It remains the guarding breed of choice amongst current day farmers and is also very popular for the same reason in the urban communities.
The origin and purpose of the Boerboel should be understood in order to preserve the unique identity and qualities of the breed as a South African developed mastiff. Type, conformation, functional efficiency and mentality are equally important in the evaluation of the Boerboel as a whole. The aim with the Breed Standard is to provide clear guidelines for breeders and judges to promote a singular vision of the ideal Boerboel.
The Boerboel
Is large, with a strong-boned structure and a well-developed musculature. The profile of the head and body appears blocky
Has an impressive demeanor created by the combination of conformation, carriage, confidence and powerful movement
Has powerful, buoyant and unencumbered movement, notwithstanding its size
Is symmetrical and perfectly balanced within the desired proportions for the breed
Has a distinct sexual dimorphism, with the bitch less prominently developed
The Boerboel
Is intelligent, trainable and manageable
Has a strong protective instinct and is loyal to members of the family
Is steadfast and calm, with a balanced and confident nature when approached
Is fearless and shows courage when threatened
Requires training and firm handling from an early age
They weigh 70kg and more, and look like this: