See you in Kauai?

Kokua, Ambrose et al…

I’ll be in Kauai next week, Sept 30 - Oct 7, with wife, Patito and two brothers in law in tow. We’re staying at Lawai Beach but plan on making regular trips around the island. Let me know if you have time to meet, maybe surf?, and we can exchange phone #'s.

See you soon!

Howzit SrPato, If the north shore is breaking you will be doing a lot of driving so bring your $ to pay for a lot of gas. I've started working doing home remodels part time since the money is to good to pass on, so if you are planning on coming to north side for a visit you should call me in the evening to see if I'll be working on boards or gone working on houses.Aloha,Kokua 

Ph# (808) 826-4555 you can leave a message if no one is home

ambrose here


call anytime

east side is my home

on the way to the north shore… odd…

aloha from waipouli


Kokua & Ambrose,

Thanks for the reply. I’ll give you both a call this weekend. I can’t wait for warm water, pog and poki salad.


so did you come by ANd

I wasn’t here

or ypu were having so much fun

you couldn’t stop?

or you moved into the wailua bay view and

are moving furniure today/

or you decided not to come or

the windows on the truck were dirty

and your co-pilot refused to clear landing

any how

I’m still here…

Coming as well, so i’ll call you guys. Ambrose i’ll make sure the windows are clean, but if you get too silly i might have to bop you over the head with a Lokbox.

Howzit Brother Brose, I didn’t get a call from Sr pato either, maybe he was having to much fun with the surf on both sides of the island. To bad it’s always nice to meet our Sway brothers. At least Lokbox will be on the North Shore and in the middle of where we live, so I’m sure we will get to meet him. Got a shop full of boards and Angell told me last night he’s got 7 blanks ready for me to glass. Is Lunch Meat settng up a new shop these days? Aloha,Kokua

Hey Kokua is Clyde still living near pine trees?

Sorry guys, I completely blew it last week. I called Wilddog on Sat the 1st. and he had just left for the store so, We went out to Waiacoco’s (sp?) North end of Hanalei bay in front of the green house with the canoe and scored some head high lefts. Went back into town for grub and then it all began…4 yr old got drenched, lost his ice cream, missed his nap, had a fit, fought a rooster, ran over a cat, drank alot of Myers, surfed nonstop along the south shore, fought another rooster, drove all the freeken way out to Polihale beach, waimea cyn view, Salt Pond, Pakalas, Acid drops, centers, PK’s, Waialai, Shipwrecks, drank more Myers with splash of POG, took the kid to a luau, Nawiliwili harbor, lefts, PK’s, cut my foot inside of PK’s, saw a turtle, drank more M…, barely missed getting impaled by all those lovely Wana at lefts, took the family shopping, ate 5 lbs. of ahi poke, 4 lbs. of korean tako, lots kalua pork…blah blah blah…anyway, I apologize for not calling either of you back, we had one helluva great family trip. Met some really cool locals in the water, llots of Aloha! We’ll be back next year and I will make sure that we make time for friends.


Howzit Jim, As far as I know he's still in the same house but I haven't seen him around but that doesn't mean he's not. Clyde been into making canoes lately and I think he spends a lot of time at the canoe club at Black Pot. I can call him if you want to get together with him while you are here. North Shore buoy was 8' 19 seconds, looks like a good swell on the way.Aloha,Kokua

Howzit SrPato, Sounds like your stay was exciting to say the least and sorry I missed your call. While you were surfing Coco’s did you notice the 3 story redwood house on the beach, building that house was my first job on Kauai.At least you scored waves and that’s the main reason you came, right. Aloha,Kokua

we the mat mad surfed Waipa

the realities of llife crop up as well as anywhere

a good trip is a good trip is a good trip…




clean windows?

surf…I can uunderstand.


sittin on the eggs

waitin for a hatch

when the winds turn north we get the prize oout back

when they turn west then we get the best

at my house it smells like doughnuts…

I bet Lunchmeat’s out back, sitting deep on his 11’er. The one w/ every lam ever done on the island, his scorning look turns to stories once the ice is broken. The one about the huge hammerhead that came up along side him while paddling across the bay.

What – a – place… it’s late October.

Howzit Skip, I think the board you are talking about with all the lams is actually BASA's ( Bobby Allen) board. I remember him coming by and getting some lams from me for the board. Bobby likes to make unique boards, I made him 27different nascar lams for his next board after the one you mentioned and he did a UPS board a few months back. The UPS guy who delivers to the Hanalei area saw the board and gave bobby a bunch of UPS hats, the board is pretty cool. I'll see if I can get a picture of it to post.Aloha,Kokua

saw the ups board

bobby said a guy offered him a grand cash for it an’ he turned it down![the ups board]

160 lams on the tenfooter?

yay bobby!


saw the ups board

bobby said a guy offered him a grand cash for it an’ he turned it down![the ups board]

160 lams on the tenfooter?

yay bobby!


Renny built a UPS board for Kemp Aaberg when he retired from UPS. All of Kemp’s co-workers chipped in for a Yater beauty. Large UPS logo and brown panels.

The lunchmeat story about the shark is true, I guess the board I saw was the other guy.


Howzit Skip, Hanalei Bay is full of hammer head sharks. If you fish off the pier at night chances are you’ll catch at least one of them. It’s the Tiger sharks that are the problem.Aloha,Kokua

luncheon meats was riding the twelve footer yesterday,


we did art day at Island school today