Seeking info on an old Sunset

I have a question for the historians.  I’ve got an old 8’2", Bill Shrosbree shaped, triple stringer Sunset that just needs a polish to go back in the water.  I’m guessing the board was probably made in the '71-73 time frame, but I’m hoping someone can provide a more accurate estimate.  The serial number is hard to read, so I’ll let you decide for yourself what it is.  I know these were made in Encinitas, CA, but I’m hoping to nail down the time frame a little better.  Any input would be appreciated. 



Lack of a leash plug indicates early 70s. Shrosbee shaped for Sunset roughly 1973-81.

Try to decipher the serial number. In 1976 the numbers were in the range of 1800.

Thanks for the pics.  I was living in Pacific Beach 70- 71 and remember when Sunset got going, can’t pinpoint an exact year tho.  Your board might be a year or two earlier than you think.  Got a pic of the fin/bottom?  You shouldn’t have to do  much to that board to get it in the water.

Try contacting JP at or Ed Wright the founder of Sunset Surfboards. Both have IG accounts.








Thanks for the info SammyA.

As best I can tell, the serial number is 3040, but that doesn’t seem to line up with the 1976 numbers.

Thanks for the info, McDing.

I’ve added a picture of the bottom, the fin and the fin box.  The fin and box look like pretty standard fare for the 70s.  The bottom isn’t in quite the condition the top is in; it had a pretty nasty open gash on the rail.  I had to remove some rotted foam, so I tried to blend the repair with the discoloration. I just need to polish ip some of the repairs and it’ll be ready to go.

