seeking knowledge

i glassed two boards and i pulled the hot coat to thin. So do i need to sand the board before applying 2nd coat? i am using a wax modifier added to my resin to get it to sand. Also do i have to wait till my deck lam is dry to put on hot coat? my thinking is that i must let dry to get proper cure.

Howzit Trevor, I let the decks cure over night before hotcoating. Letting the deck cure will cut down on the pressure dents. Aloha, Kokua

As for the hotcoating you should sand or scuff it up before going over it again.You might try buzzing it with a soft pad with say 120 grit or use a red “Scotchbrite” pad or a combo of both.The object is to cut the wax and get it dull before hotcoating.I would also wipe it with acetone just before shooting it.Good luck. R.B.