The board that I’m taking to the NS this Sept/Oct is 9’ 6’‘. My hard case is 9’ 3’‘…Oops! Anyone out there in the So. Cal. area have a case I could use, rent, or buy, that will take a 9’ 6’’ board? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
The board that I’m taking to the NS this Sept/Oct is 9’ 6’‘. My hard case is 9’ 3’‘…Oops! Anyone out there in the So. Cal. area have a case I could use, rent, or buy, that will take a 9’ 6’’ board? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
saw one up in the factory yesterday with the old boards
Thanks, I’ll check it out, and see if it’s avilable.
In my reverie I have dreamt of
a door skin custom box
glassed inside and out and lined with ?
and filled w/ pour foam
vented to outside and then glassed again
a fantasy sure
a pain in the arse projecta million reaons not to do it
with one reason falling away
at a time
becoming simpler
in the mind and then some day …
whip one out in a couple hours before leaving on a trip…
stitch together with sugi
or copper wire and then tape the seams
dreamin’ on a friday…
Bill: Do you have any pictures of your new board? I’m looking forward to seeing what it looks like.