selling car in baja

i want to drive my toyota wagon from oregon to baja sur sway by santa cruz

and pickup the ambrose travel board and go to cabo and catch my flight coming back to oregon…i would like to sell my car in cabo…so i can buy a truck when i come back…has anyone sold a car in mexico? how much red tape is there? any info is sweet…maybe somone wants to buy it 38 mph

5 speed with racks…low miles

any swayers going to be down there from dec1 to the 18th?

thanks TRaviS

I’d be interested in the wagon, but not in Cabo - I’m in the bay area so that would leave you without transport for the rest of your trip.


PM me before you go. I have the board. mike

roost…have you been surfing the ambrose magic glass board …swell crap here big and short wind rain sideways …not seen the sun in weeks…good swell there though i bet…

want to sell the car in baja its a good one corolla such a good car wish it would pull surfweiser…

“swell crap here big and short wind rain sideways …not seen the sun in weeks”…

That explains why every third viehicle on coast highway this week had Oregon plates. Met a nice couple today from OR that were headed to Mainland Mex.

If you do sell your car in Mexico do not leave the plates on it.

yea, get the plates thats smart…

you cant surf in this state when its like this

junk to close to the storm

getting antsy to surf

no surf for 3 weeks this sunday

please send a clean swell mother ocean

thanks… TJD


No. I have the board in a safe place from sun,wind, and anyone who may want to steal it. The sand bars are still in poor shape,but at least there are sand bars. Kind of board snapping dumpers. I’d feel terrible if I snapped that board. Still waiting for the book that goes with it,too. LeeV? Mike

tjd You picked a good time to head south.We have one storm after backed up out there.Sound like your ready for some sun and warm water.Hopefully when you get back the swell will have cleaned up. Have a great trip. Gordon

Howzit tjd, Unless things have changed I think selling your car in Mexico is Illegal, that’s why they say don’t leave the plates on it. The Mexican Govenment had a policy that they tried that you had to give them a bunch of money when you crossed the border and would return the money when you came back acroos into the US. This was to prevent people from selling their cars in Mexico. If you sold the car in Mexico it could cause a problem for the person who bought it, especially if it had no plates on it. Aloha,Kokua


Kokua’s right about selling a car in Mexico. I don’t know about the money thing,but if you sell it down there it will be a black market type deal. Pretty sketchy in Mexico. Maybe drive it back up to San Diego and dump it at one of the used car lots or a Sways guy. Mike

Howzit rooster, I think they ditched the money deposit when crossing the border since it raised alot of questions and would cause big clogs at the borders while people are getting their money back. The deposit was supposed to be figured on how new the car was and could be any where from $400.00 to $800.00. Pretty sure theyscapped the idea due to pressure from the US Govenment. Aloha,Kokua

Hey Kokua,

You’re probably right. Mexico being Mexico, you would probably never see your money again, either. Mike

well that is a good lesson thanks kokua…

i dont want any black market this day in age

maybe in the 70’s…

still might just drive i really want ot hit up the northern part of baja on the way down…rain MEGA… wind tons…good point waves in the morning

in seaside finally got in the water…im sore…

wanted to do kauia flights on american west 1800 bucks ouch…

kauia getting good surf

thanks again


Howzit tjd, $1800 for a round trip to Kauai, some travel agent is trying to make a big commision off of you. The most I've ever paid was a little over $500. And that was a ticket bought under 24 hrs before going. One thing that I don't understand is it seems that it costs more for a ticket form the mainland then for a ticket from Hawaii. Around Christmas they have great deals since so many people come over here and they want to fill the planes going back and then when the vacationers are going back they want to fill the planes coming over here. Makes good money sense. I use air milage these days and it's only 35000 miles for a round trip on Aloha Air. Where are you situated that a ticket would cost that much.  

As for the surf here on Kauai, the season is starting a little slow this year. We've had 2 good sized swells so far but since it's Nov. it should be pumping every day almost. Hopefully the swells will run into late May and earlt June to compensate for the slow start. They had a contest today at Pine Trees and the surf was tiny.  

Mexico is one of my favorite places and I have done far to many trips to count but don't just do Baja Norte, Go all the way to the tip and you can get some good surf just north of Cabo on the Pacific side. I'm not sure if the ferry still leaves from Cabo but if not you can drive back to La Paz and catch it there to Mainland Mexico. Take your time for the drive and enjoy the sights, check the seven sisters area if you know how to get there. The last time I drove down I stayed for 4 months and almost turned around and went back down when I reached Camalu on the way back up. Bone up om some basic Spanish so you can at least ask where the banos (bathrooms) are and how to order beer, food,and gas for your car. Aloha,Kokua

mahalo kokua…

it was one america west airlines

i had a ticket researved from last year and had a $450 voucher…

learnin spanish seems easy and simple any good inteActive web sites?

i usually have good luck with travel agents

and it cheaper to fly from there? i bet they are trying to get people to leave the island more so there is less traffic…ha.ha

thanks for the advice

i really need to get over there i need some red salt

and ambrose as a stick of mine… a patterson…

bought at the board swap …

aloha peace and love



The deposit & car permit is still alive & well in Mex but only applies to travel to the mainland. For some reason, Baja is exempt. BUT, here is where your problem will be. When you enter the country, your tourist card will show you’re traveling by car. When you go to fly home, immigration will have a few questions …“but senor, where is your vehicle?” It is very illegal to import a car for sale into Mex. I don’t know the penalties & such but I wouldn’t want to find out the hard way either. Below is a message board that is like the holy bible for Baja travelers. Ask your question there & you’ll get all the info you could hope for



surftaut…thanks for the info

i couldnt get the adress up ERROR the robot replied

what about flying down and driving back?

crap…all good cant wait to get in some warm water and body surf

like the dolfins

tjd, I wouldn’t exactly call Northern Baja warm water. Depending on where you plan to surf the water can sometimes be 10 degrees colder than in San Diego.

todos …i will fly to la paz take the bus to todos and hitch a ride back up to OR with a buddy …

yea north baja …there in the spring last year it was cold and flat YEAH…went with a girlfriend …what a nightmare…1 day it was ankle high…goony goo…

close to cabo for girls and roosterfish…and sun o i miss the sun


Yeah, I just had the same problem. Yesterday I saw a post that said that they’re having problems with their server. Maybe try again later.

Fly down/drive back? Hmmm, don’t really know. Would you buy a vehicle there? Then, I’m guessing you’d have to deal with USA import laws.
