I am thinking of going for a 7’6" round pin semi gun and was wondering what opinions there whether a tri fin, 2 +1 , or single fin set-up would be appropriate. Will ride it in head high to 2x beack break mainly in my area. Have always liked single fin boards and would prefer to go in that direction. What is the holding power like with a single fin semi gun in hollow beach break conditions?
a hatchet fin may provide extreme holding power as a single fin.
Why not get a board with a bahne center box and high quality rail fin boxes? You’ll be able to tune you board to the conditions with different fin set-ups if you do. It seems the obvious choice to me.
As an example I built a set of thruster and a single for a Hap Jacobs 211 that’s 7’10" if I recall the length. I works very well both ways. There are times the single is the call and times three fins are the call. Moving the center fin fore and aft in the three fin cluster gives the board a lot of versatility.
Good Surfin’, Rich
For sure, 3 boxes give the most versatility.
Also, you didn’t state board and tail width, or thickness of tail rails.
Usually, not always, a bigger wave board with tail width wider than 14" need help with side fins.
You can compensate with huge tail fins, but rail to rail response is compromised.
Unless you are riding Pipe style waves, or Indo, tail widths narrower than 12" need singles only, as the outside fins don’t always clear.
Have always liked single fin boards and would prefer to go in that direction.
you just answered your own question. everyone has their own style and preference, but the only one that really matters for you is yours.
But if you do go with a three fin set up…try them at 12" and 4". I’ve made a few round pins (11.25 x 19.5 x 13.5 x2.75) from the 7’3"R that work great in anything from shoulder high to DOH.