Setting up shaping room !

Looking for info on setting up my shaping room . How far do i put the shaping racks apart ? how high do i make it ? i will be using the adjustable style racks . How high should i make the side lights ? Whats the best color to paint the room reflection ? and last whats the best and cheapest way to sound proof it . Aloha from hawaii , Cal

Looking for info on setting up my shaping room . How far do i put the > shaping racks apart ? how high do i make it ? i will be using the > adjustable style racks . How high should i make the side lights ? Whats > the best color to paint the room reflection ? and last whats the best and > cheapest way to sound proof it . Aloha from hawaii , Cal …Cal, you can archive alot here @ Swaylock’s,also get a copy of Jim Phillips Master series Shaping video(see resources).A must for any serious shaper looking to set-up a room.Wish I had something like Jim’s video back in the olden days,but heck I did okay,just ask some of the guys here.Herb

…Cal, you can archive alot here @ Swaylock’s,also get a copy of Jim > Phillips Master series Shaping video(see resources).A must for any serious > shaper looking to set-up a room.Wish I had something like Jim’s video back > in the olden days,but heck I did okay,just ask some of the guys here.Herb Thanks herb i`ll go check it out . Cal

…Cal,if you have any specfic questions about setting up your room,come back to the dicussion board,Either the boyz or myself would be glad to help.Herb…and your welcome brudda.Herb

…Cal,if you have any specfic questions about setting up your > room,come back to the dicussion board,Either the boyz or myself would be > glad to help.Herb…and your welcome brudda.Herb Herb how far apart should i make the racks ?

Herb how far apart should i make the racks ? How high also .

Looking for info on setting up my shaping room . How far do i put the > shaping racks apart ? how high do i make it ? i will be using the > adjustable style racks . How high should i make the side lights ? Whats > the best color to paint the room reflection ? and last whats the best and > cheapest way to sound proof it . Aloha from hawaii , Cal …Sound proofing can be done in several ways. If you can get a hold of some egg crate mattresses,they work great!or just cut the bottom out of a sh*t load of used egg cartons and staple gun/glue them to your walls.Or foam padding,something that abosorbs. …Keep the side lights about 4" above blank height,that’s when you have a blank on your racks the lights should be 4" above that. …As far as the distance between/apart for your racks,that would depend on the length of your blanks/boards,enough to keep the board stable,and from tipping off when you work/get towards the ends. …Rack height…again it depends on how tall you are,keep in mind that the rack height is in relation to your height,and the blank thickness on the racks,you don’t want the racks so low that you stoop over and kill your back,and you don’t want it so high that you lose your vision when doing rails,and have to reach up and over the blank. …Wall color varies from flat black to blues and greens,here’s a tip I think no one has keyed in on ,use flat finish paints, no gloss or semi gloss paints,you want the walls to absorb light,not reflect it.This makes a big difference in controling your shadows.(I think Quicksilver is going to put me on that boat soon,for that tip).I only have some small areas at the ends of my racks(on the walls) that are painted black with horizontal lines on it to check for even levels,the rest is pictures and junk(see my room in the tools or other section of the board page).Hope this helps,sorry I didn’t post this earlier,but my 2 year old,"Keani"was into the tree,and presents,before my wife got home to help. as coral would say,Have Fun!!!Herb

Looking for info on setting up my shaping room . How far do i put the > shaping racks apart ? how high do i make it ? i will be using the > adjustable style racks . How high should i make the side lights ? Whats > the best color to paint the room reflection ? and last whats the best and > cheapest way to sound proof it . Aloha from hawaii , Cal My racks adjust up and lengthwise.Mine are 40 inches and will stretch to 64.Normaly I keep the height so that the board surface is as high as my navel.I change them for different applications (your choice).Lights should be say 4 to 6 inches above the blank surface but I keep mine higher because I sometimes raise it up for certain things.Walls are black but I think I will go to blue or green.No soundproofing because I’m half deaf anyway(that should tell you something).Put up some wall racks above head level for storing blanks.have a blast…R.B.

…Sound proofing can be done in several ways. If you can get a > hold of some egg crate mattresses,they work great!or just cut the bottom > out of a sh*t load of used egg cartons and staple gun/glue them to your > walls.Or foam padding,something that abosorbs.>>> …Keep the side lights about 4" above blank height,that’s when > you have a blank on your racks the lights should be 4" above that.>>> …As far as the distance between/apart for your racks,that would > depend on the length of your blanks/boards,enough to keep the board > stable,and from tipping off when you work/get towards the ends.>>> …Rack height…again it depends on how tall you are,keep in mind > that the rack height is in relation to your height,and the blank thickness > on the racks,you don’t want the racks so low that you stoop over and kill > your back,and you don’t want it so high that you lose your vision when > doing rails,and have to reach up and over the blank.>>> …Wall color varies from flat black to blues and greens,here’s a tip > I think no one has keyed in on ,use flat finish paints, no gloss or semi > gloss paints,you want the walls to absorb light,not reflect it.This makes > a big difference in controling your shadows.(I think Quicksilver is going > to put me on that boat soon,for that tip).I only have some small areas at > the ends of my racks(on the walls) that are painted black with horizontal > lines on it to check for even levels,the rest is pictures and junk(see my > room in the tools or other section of the board page).Hope this > helps,sorry I didn’t post this earlier,but my 2 year > old,"Keani"was into the tree,and presents,before my wife got > home to help. as coral would say,Have Fun!!!Herb Herb thanks for the info bud … i really appreciate it . I`ll keep int touch while the shack is being built . Aloha from hawaii , Cal