shape 3d Help needed

Hello everyone,

Hope you are al well and making beautful surf craft.

I have have been  hand shaping hanplanes out of wood for sometime now but would like to ask if any of you would be willing to help me design my handplanes in shape 3D?

Currently I have four designs. 

If any of you could help me with this I would be very greaful.


No idea what the problems might be, though I use Shape3d a lot.

What I used to do to filch approximate planshapes off the web is (1) take the best pictures I could find of a given board, (2) rotate position it as perfectly vertical along the stringer as I could in Photoshop, (3) crop it so that the tip and tail apexes are as close to exactly on the cropping line as possible (using super close up to recrop til satisfied), resize to the desired height so that inches=feet, and then get my width numbers at 1, 3, 6, 12, 28, 24 (…etc…) inches from that image, retranslate inches to feet, and make a Shape3d file from that. There is of course one material problem in that you get a 2D result from the photo, not the measurement along the stringer, but you can actually set Shape 3d to use a 2D set of increments.

There must be something similar you can do with handplanes, probably something like translating inches on the handplane to some proportion of a foot in Shape3d, such that when you’re working in Shape3d the handplane on the screen is 3-4.5 feet in length according to the program.

Maybe there is a better, much easier way, but I don’t know what it is.

I just did one straight from the ‘New’ board routine entering values in inches of something ‘handplaney’.

The tough part will be shaping the nose to look like a v-hull speedboat or whatever shape you like up there.

The thing with the shaping softwares, much lke anything else, is that you need to just get in there and try it until it starts making a little sense.

Pull the control points around and see what happens. Undo or start over if you do not like it. The electrons will not mind…

To do handholds and the lke you’d need a more advanced version of Shape3D or use a more conventional 3D CAD system.

The idea presented of using Ghost or reference images is also good, I do that often too.

All the best, J

PS, a tutorial for Shape3D from another forum: Shape3Dx tutorial and discussion