Shape 3D Lite help

I’ve been hand shaping since 2006. I now have several shapes I am fairly good at and want to increase my ability to replicate accurately one of the shapes. I live in South Orange County and am interested in getting one of my shapes immaged onto Shape 3D. I have shape 3D Lite but it isnt powerful enough to use the immage function. Is there anyone that isnt too busy to give a fledgling shaper a little help?

I’d help you if I was closer. But I don’t use images and I’ve been using S3d since 2003. There’s only so much accuracy you can get with a 1’- 2’ picture (depending on your screen). Even with the fancy zebra striping effects on the computer board model you don’t pick up on small wobbles in the design. You can sometimes see the wobbles when you generate the cutting path, but not always. The screens I’ve used and resolution just hasn’t been good enough.

I recommend that you take measures and build the computer model from the measures. What’s going to happen is you will have to make decisions about fitting smooth lines through your measurements (“measurement error or hip crucial to the design” types of questions), and learn a fair bit about your shape in the process.