Shape 3D

Can anyone help me by getting a copy of the surfboard design program

Shape 3D version 6. I allready have the crack, just not the program.

I need it to make a mould for a board.

You can mail it to



Shape3D is available from


some people here make their livelihood on manufacturing surfboards.

this is not the place to go looking for ripped off copies of software, developed by surfers who depend on the revenue generated by something they’ve invested time, effort and money in to.

edit; sorry; not directed at you in the least Haavard…

thanks, GWN. i was going to call the guy a prick and tell him to go f— himself, but then decided it was best to simply not say anything at all. just the same, your response was far more eloquent. danka…

well theres a crack for just about everything

and there freely available

its just one of the cons of publishing your work on the net

no publish no sales

publish, someone cracks

its sort of like the sun coming up in the morning

right or wrong

it is inevitable

i’m well aware…this guy was just barking up the wroooonnnngggggg tree.

i mean, really…what was he expecting to get from HERE?

Because most supposed “Cracks” and “Keygens” floating around on the Net are usually Malware or Trojans in disguise, I’ll bet anything this guy gets a nice suprise when he uses it.