shaper in NYC ?

Looking for a shaper in or near NYC for some young friends of mine…they are surf stoked and trapped in NYC now that school has started…they want to try and shape a board(s)…but I dont want them to waist foam or lose fingers…any suggestions…?  Bunger is too far…need someone to mentor/supervise…we can pay for the day…want them to understand the work and process…thanks for your suggestions…



What part of South Jersey?  Great Place for Tomatoes and Corn surf not so much  

 South Jersey does have some surf . South Jersey does have surf History The first place Duke Kahanamoko ever surfed on the main land was Atlantic City NJ. He was training in Philadelphia for The 1912 Oympic games. Surfed off The Million Dollar Pier. His brothers shipped him a Redwood Board from Hawaii.  

Good to hear from you Rick!

glad you guys are doing well and that you’re staying busy.

Hey Chrisp.

Moved myself and the family to South Jersey couple years ago and been keeping very busy. I still lurk around here though often. Finally have SYOB all worked out. Did a few sessions so far and working out great. info:


Take it easy!

Cloud 9 surfboards is somewhere in the NY area.  Malwitz  from what I have seen seems to makea nice board.  Then just down the road in NJ  and a Sways contributer is Tom Mahady

this gets my vote.

He was even trying to do a BYOB thing for a while.

BTW, how’s he been lately?


Try Gene at Essence surf in Totowa NJ. Close to the city, has shaping classes.




shapers are everywhere

when you dont want em

and cant be found

when you do.

ask at the closest firehouse.

search for Rick at Malwitz Surfboards