shapers barrel

I,m looking for help locating a shapers barrel in cat. or San Diego area? Also,looking for a new planner. What tool shop has the best choices??Thanks for any help on these questions…MAHALO/////ONO/////

good places to tool shop in San Diego are San Diego hardware (hard-to-find tools) Home Depot (common tools), OB hardware, and Mitch’s (e.g. for Clark/Hitachi planer). I’m sure there are others but that’s where I go… mail order is good too, eg I went thru Fiberglass Supply (see link below) in Washington to get my curved Japanese wooden block planer…shipping is pretty reasonable on small stuff like that. Also good to comparison shop on prices over the internet… I don’t know who sells the grit barrel you are looking for, though.

Tom , You can find the shapers barrel at shapers australia or we have it here at fiberglass hawaii . Is it for the hitachi planer ? IT AIN`T CHEAP . Aloha ,Cal

Tom , Heres the web addy .

I have one that I might be selling and I am here in SD. I bought it from Shapers Austrailia, but haven’t used it yet…it ain’t cheap. Let me know if you are interested?