SHAPER'S HOTSEAT: Bill Barnfield

Well guys, it looks like this Hot Seat is running out of steam so lets break up the party and let the next participant have the space.  Thanks for the great participation.  It was fun!

 Check back later as I will finish up on the questions that I didn’t get to answer.


Well guys, it looks like this Hot Seat is running out of steam so lets break up the party and let the next participant have the space.  Thanks for the great participation.  It was fun!

 Check back later as I will finish up on the questions that I didn’t get to answer.


Bummer. I go away for the weekend, and when I get back my favourite thread’s about to go belly-up :frowning:

Am hoping so; 'still got my fingers crossed my second question gets dealt with.

In addition to answering the remaining questions Bill, I’ve an idea that (if I can get it up and running) might make checking back on this thread in the future something that not only yourself, but the other Hot Seat shapers too, will actually want to do…

… stay tuned :slight_smile:

Lots of good info. Bill.

Hope you guys paid attention.

I’d love to airbrush some of your stuff someday Bill.

Maybe next time you are shaping on the mainland.


Berry you should just line up some work in hawaii and take a working vacation.  I’m sure you could get a few builders to open up their shop for your airbrush work. 

Aloha Barry

It would be fun to hang out and do some boards together some day.  I do travel a bit but usually don’t try to include shaping into it.  I will be heading to Amsterdam and Nice, France soon.