Help ! I have been shaping some copies of the “Lost” round nose fish, and I am looking for some advice on better tools to cut the sharp tapered angle in the stringer they create in the center of the swallow tail. I dont seem to get that nice smooth radius and that flowing 30 degree taper off the tail.
Help ! I have been shaping some copies of the “Lost” round nose > fish, and I am looking for some advice on better tools to cut the sharp > tapered angle in the stringer they create in the center of the swallow > tail. I dont seem to get that nice smooth radius and that flowing 30 > degree taper off the tail. You’re saying all the right things! Somebody here will definitely know how to do it …
Help ! I have been shaping some copies of the “Lost” round nose > fish, and I am looking for some advice on better tools to cut the sharp > tapered angle in the stringer they create in the center of the swallow > tail. I dont seem to get that nice smooth radius and that flowing 30 > degree taper off the tail. I do this at the very last after fine screening the board.Put some light pencil lines down where you want em and put the board in the stand rails up. I use a very fine toothed Japanese hand saw and carefully cut the foam out…the first cut gets thru tha stringer and the second cut gets the other side.Clean up with little sanding block. I too would like to hear of other ways of doing this.
To avoid damaging the foam (and then correct the angle by widening it out obtaining something different from what you planned…happened to mee too…) first draw the lines of the desired tail, take a hand saw and cut the foam at a smaller angle than you like, staying as narrow at the stringer as you can so that you left more foam, then shape with a sanding block. If the stringer has been cut too rough, smooth wth a Dremel being careful not to damage the foam. Since I shape swallow tails all the time my personal method is different and most will be disappointed: I use a high rpm small grinder with a 4 mm thick metal cutting disk which I use to cut the foam and round off the upper side of the stringer, it may look scary but with calm and practice is fast and effective