Shaping an EPS blank with hot wire

Hey there,

a local shaper has some EPS blanks for a real reasonable price, so it’s a rough shaped blank as you would buy off Marko. 6ft long, rough rocker cut out.

just wondering, is there a way to shape the rocker and thickness that I want using ply jogs like I do out of a solid block? Or is it a planer/Hand tool job as the rough shape of a board is already cut as the “blank”?

any ideas welcome.

attached is a photo of my last effort. It goes good!

Hi Nds-

Yes, you can re-cut the rocker…provided you can get the templates on the blank with enough room and square enough that it does not cause issues.

I also cut outlines and first rail bands with hotwire. Then it’s the electric planer with a vacuum attachment.

Very nice looking board. I would have gone yellow, light blue or green, or maybe white instead of black to avoid issues with temperature rise in the sun.


I did it by building an external frame, but it’s way more sketchy than putting your templates on a block. I did top and bottom, but after cutting the bottom I had to turn the blank upside down, than eyeball the correct position for the deck guide and ended up too thin.  So If I had to do it again, I would just cut the bottom rocker and proceed with the planer. 

Yeah I hear ya, it’s kinda al I had and I buggered up with some over spray on the bottom!! Had it in 40 degree heat and no problems yet so all good as pretty mild temp where I live usually!

so how would you get the templates on the blank? Around the curve?

yeah i thought of that, like mounting my ply rockers to a table or something. Like you say the top would be easier

If the outline is cut, I would rig a frame to hold the templates square and level and set the blank in. Maybe run some boards accross to hold the blank up on the side you are not cutting. If that all seems like too much then go right to planing.