so I just got really stoked on shaping after working on and completing my first board. i shaped it in my basement in a room basically used for storage. its pretty much like a mini garage where we keep all the bikes and trash cans and such. anyways, so before and during the process I hung drop cloths from the ceiling on bicycle hooks and pipes and layed them out of the floor. the only problem was that I was only able to make two “walls” and even these didn’t prevent the foam from getting EVERYWHERE.
so i was wondering maybe what a plan for a makeshift room inside of a room would constitute. i was thinking something along the lines of a wood frame with some sort of cover (maybe plastic) “walls”. just wondering what some of you might have in your homes for shaping purposes and how you contain the foam.
ps. im working on getting either those vaccum bags for planers or those hoses that hook up to an industrial vaccum.