shaping in Vee - newbie

How do you put in vee in the tail of a board without putting a step in the rail ? I have just put in vee in an 7’8” egg single fin I’m finishing and found it really hard to make the transition from rolled rail to hard edge into the tail without making a small bump after I put the vee in. its only small but it does annoy me as the rest of the shaping went so well. Any help.


A pic would be helpful here…

But I think it’s just a matter of blending it all together with the foam side of your sanding block. Looking at your board from the side, the rail rocker at the bottom of the rail should be a smooth curve and rise above the stringer in the tail. The rail profile should transition smoothly from round with a softened, blended, tucked edge, to a harder edge that’s closer to the apex of the rail as the radius gets smaller, to minimal to no tuck and hard in the tail. Don’t forget you can build up a little bead of resin along that edge when you hotcoat, and sand it to blend it all together.