Shaping Info

Number one, I just have to thank whoever put this site together. I shaped my first board about 5 years ago in less than ideal conditions(backyard under the sun). My friends refer to it as “the spear”. It was so difficult to get any information on shaping surfboards 5 years ago. I have since graduated college, find myself unemployed, and I’m eager to get back in the water and pursuing my dream of shaping surf boards. I have been working on putting together a shaping shack in my garage. Today I purchased the lights and wood to construct the shelves. I’m pretty much going off of what John Carper says on his shaping 101 video. I have tool wise a saw, surforms, block plane small(for nose) and large. I can’t find drywall screen in 80 and 180 grit to save my life. I went to Ace Hardware, Taylor Do it Center and Home Depot, nothing. Also does anyone recommend where to find some 40-grit or other sandpaper (you recommend it as I don’t have a clue). Also I would like to see some plans on how to construct surfboard stands or does anyone know where to get something similiar that is cheap? I constructed my fred for the tucked-under edge. Is dragon skin needed for blending the rail bands? If so where do you buy it? Can’t you just use some dry wall screen instead? At Home Depot today I saw 3 different electric planers. A makita, a yellow one around $150, and a cheaper one. How do these compare the the Skil 100 planer? Are any of them more user friendly? What’s the best way to practice using one if you’ve never used one before? Any strategies or important things to know before you start removing foam? I’ll let yall know as soon as I get the shop underway. I’m an east coast kid VB/NC. I found it really difficult to get any quality help when I shaped my first board a few years back. I know nothing about glassing, so I’ll worry about that once I’ve gotten to that point. I appreciate any suggestions, words to the wise. I hope to shape first a 6’2 shortboard with a wider than usual profile. Would a 6’3"H Clark Foam Blank Satisfy this? Also I want to shape a surfboard for two beginners one my sister and one my g/f. Sister is about 5’6 145lbs good swimmer. G/f is 5’2 105 not so good swimmer. What type of blanks should I get for these boards? Something in the Upper 6’ft realm for a funshape? I started on a 7’2 fun board and I stood up my first wave. Been hooked since. My quarry has dropped significantly from 9 boards down to 2. Nothing for a summer day. My last board was a 6’6 rounded pin-semi shaped for my last trip to Costa Rica. Can’t wait to hear any suggestions. Stay wet and warm!

Hey WC, Check out the attached link, which I think is really good info, it has plans for a stand as well. For your sanding needs etc, check out They will have all the stuff you are asking about. If you are going to use a electric planer, maybe check out a Hitachi on ebay. Seems a lot of people tend to go with them on here. Or, just get a cheapie (under 50.00) from which is a good spot to shop. Check the archives on planers before buying - there is some really good stuff in them. Just for chuckle, check a skil on e-bay. Get ready to take out a loan out. Hopefully someone elso can help with your blank questions. Peace, Herb Bean

sorry reread, it is

Local Lowe’s here in NJ has 3M drywall screen in a whole range of grits, try there if there’s one near you…

The 6’11"R is a great funshape blank as is the 7’4"R if you need to go bigger than 6’10" or so. The Foam EZ website has good pics of, and ideas for, shaping tools and the “fred” tool. Shaper’s Australia website is also great for this. Suggestion: shape your sisters’ board first… Have fun!!!

Check out for all your board building needs. Our experienced staff can point you in the right direction when it comes to questions about blanks or anything else in the board building process. Check it out! Have fun.

Wooow, that a lot of question. The best place to start is in the archive section. There a lot of people who are more than willing to help out here. But maybe one or two questions at a time. Anyhow, Mitch’s surf shop on the West Coast 858-459-5933 sells the modified Clark hitachi planer for $190.00 it’s well worth the extra bucks for the extra features. Cheap tools are a lot more expensive than good tools. Foam EZ is good for those screens & mini spoke shaves Brad is a good guy to deal with too. if your absolutely bent on buying cheap stuff, Harbor freight is a good source for cheap overseas tools. All of your answers are in the archives, be careful you can spend days in there. -Jay