Shaping Kook in the house....

greetings and salutations. Got pointed to this site some time ago by a buddy of mine. I have a question and if anyone’s got some thoughts I’d really appreciate it. I’ve been wanting to learn about board design and shaping… to the end of ultimately shaping my own ride for the first time. I’ve picked up shaping 101, but I’m interested to find some other resources that would help me learn more about the nuances of board design, the process, maybe even hydrodynamics, etc… From the what I’ve heard from my friend, I figured some of you may have some pointers. Thanks! ~groovn~

Well, for starters, any thing that you want to know about, just type it in the “search” feature in the archives here. It is a tremendous resource. Also just read through the postings every day. Even if the subject doesn’ interst you, you’d be surprised how much you learn. good luck

To learn more about board design and shaping… Look anywhere and everywhere you see anything that has to do with surfboards. Watch the videos, read all the articles in the mags, scour the bookstores. Talk to every surf nut you can find in the surf shops and at the beach. Don’t be afraid to pick the brains of any board builder you come across. Just like this discussion most of these guys will be happy to disscuss and debate the pluses or minuses of particular designs. There’s all sorts of info on the net if you just keep searching. Most importantly, get your hands (and feet) on as many surfboards as possible. Ride them, template them, measure them, and study them. Build them. Get your freinds on them and listen to what they tell you about how they perform. Stay open minded and creative. You’ll have a blast. Later Bro.>>> greetings and salutations. Got pointed to this site some time ago by a > buddy of mine. I have a question and if anyone’s got some thoughts I’d > really appreciate it.>>> I’ve been wanting to learn about board design and shaping… to the end of > ultimately shaping my own ride for the first time. I’ve picked up shaping > 101, but I’m interested to find some other resources that would help me > learn more about the nuances of board design, the process, maybe even > hydrodynamics, etc…>>> From the what I’ve heard from my friend, I figured some of you may have > some pointers.>>> Thanks!>>> ~groovn~

This is related: I want to build a board but have no shaping tools. I have no space to shape in. But after reading this forum for awhile, and after surfing for a long time, I’d like to give it a try. No great expectations-just want to see what results. Are there places for a person like me to go?

Thanks to all for the responses. I’m going to hang around here as much as I can for a start. I agree with the statement that there’s much to be learned in just observing / participating in these discussions. Thanks again, and if anyone has knowledge of good books / vids / etc. that would be really good aids to a beginning shaper, please let me know!>>> greetings and salutations. Got pointed to this site some time ago by a > buddy of mine. I have a question and if anyone’s got some thoughts I’d > really appreciate it.>>> I’ve been wanting to learn about board design and shaping… to the end of > ultimately shaping my own ride for the first time. I’ve picked up shaping > 101, but I’m interested to find some other resources that would help me > learn more about the nuances of board design, the process, maybe even > hydrodynamics, etc…>>> From the what I’ve heard from my friend, I figured some of you may have > some pointers.>>> Thanks!>>> ~groovn~

‘Essential Surfing’ by George Orbelian 3rd edition 1987. ‘Surfboard’ by Steven Shaw 1994. These are my two favorites. You may not agree with everything in these books but they’re a good place to start. Also checkout the recent series of articles by Derick Hynd in Surfer Magazine. There was a good one about Bob Mctavish a while back. But like I said before, keep your eyes and ears open at all times for little snippets of this kind of info.>>> Thanks to all for the responses. I’m going to hang around here as much as > I can for a start. I agree with the statement that there’s much to be > learned in just observing / participating in these discussions.>>> Thanks again, and if anyone has knowledge of good books / vids / etc. that > would be really good aids to a beginning shaper, please let me know!

Thanks Rick!! I’ll check these out!>>> ‘Essential Surfing’ by George Orbelian 3rd edition 1987. ‘Surfboard’ by > Steven Shaw 1994. These are my two favorites. You may not agree with > everything in these books but they’re a good place to start. Also checkout > the recent series of articles by Derick Hynd in Surfer Magazine. There was > a good one about Bob Mctavish a while back. But like I said before, keep > your eyes and ears open at all times for little snippets of this kind of > info.