...Shaping Lights...

Yesterday I helped set up a new shaping room… I made the light boxes… 12’ long-3 twin tube 4’ers… 11" shelves above and below the fixtures - 5" between the shelves… Nothing fancy… Here’s the cool part… I attached the light boxes to the wall with 12" ACCURIDE 100# FULL EXTENTION DRAWER GUIDES… This allows the lights to be adjusted in height for anyone from 5’4" to 6’4"… The shaping stands are welded steel that are adjustable in height and length… There will be a vacume system for the planer… And the obligitory MONSTER STEREO!!!

good idea. do the drawer guides have stops on them or have you rigged something?

good idea. do the drawer guides have stops on them or have you rigged > something? The drawer guides don’t, but I put sliding barrel bolts on to hold position…