Guys, I’m finally gonna give it ago, and shape my first board.I ride longboards over here, in sunny England - a 9’6 Harbour Sano and I have a 9’6 Stewart Col Mc. I know a shorter board may be the place to start, but I would really like to shape a 10’ 10’2 cruiser with a Volan deck. I’ve worked with glass fibre before, moulds and things, so I’m fairly confident of my abilities. Where’s the best place to start, and what are the area’s to watch out for? Cheers guys Peaman x
Hey Peaman, where in New England do you live. Just wondering. Me and a friend are gonna shape our first board soon. We live in SE Mass. Let me know… --NM
Hey Peaman, where in New England do you live. Just wondering. Me and a > friend are gonna shape our first board soon. We live in SE Mass. Let me > know…>>> --NM Guys, I’d love to hang out and get busy doin some shapin’ but I live In sunny England, London. There’s not many waves locally, so me and the guys drive 280 miles on the weekend to the south west (Devon catch some of the Atlantics finest, especially mid winter. Take it easy Peaman
i’d say get the jc how to shape video, but since you wanna do a log check out jim phillips new video from damascus productions. i haven’t seen it but it sounds like a really quality product. from his input here i’m sure it is…plus…you can ask the man himself questions here, which you can’t do with john carper!
Take it easy>>> Peaman Have you heard of Anthonys Board Links?He has a site and posts on Swaylocks.I thought that he was in the U.K. but I am not sure…regardless it is a really nice website…Anthony put a lot of work into it.The Swaylocks guys will steer you to him.
Guys, I’m finally gonna give it ago, and shape my first board.I ride > longboards over here, in sunny England - a 9’6 Harbour Sano and I have a > 9’6 Stewart Col Mc. I know a shorter board may be the place to start, but > I would really like to shape a 10’ 10’2 cruiser with a Volan deck. I’ve > worked with glass fibre before, moulds and things, so I’m fairly confident > of my abilities. Where’s the best place to start, and what are the area’s > to watch out for?>>> Cheers guys>>> Peaman x Just got back from FoamEZ in Westminster CA. it was like sitting in a class room. Bro’s comming in and buying blanks and asking questions gettng answers from what to use for planes, glass, resins, size it was so enlighting. Their website is in a state of change but the people are cool with help. Swaylocks is the best sourece for help so far. Keeping it close to the soul.
where in the uk are you based?
where in the uk are you based? In London.
cool im in southampton at present! till oct then i move to ireland to setup properly! but check out my webpage and if you have any probs don’t hesitate to give me a call! good luck paul
cool im in southampton at present! till oct then i move to ireland to > setup properly! but check out my webpage and if you have any probs don’t > hesitate to give me a call!>>>>>> good luck paul Cheers Paul, I checked your link out, I like it. Where do you get your blanks from? is it seabase, I’m gonna put an order in with them tommorow.
Cheers Paul, I checked your link out, I like it. Where do you get your > blanks from? is it seabase, I’m gonna put an order in with them tommorow. no dont use seabase blanks! i use homeblown they are a lot better! and cheaper! and also hold the water out as they blanks are waterproof. take a look the have a good selection and are very helpful! paul