Well im new here. but have been an onlooker on this site for about a month reading the fourm threads. as my first topic i need some advice on shaping my first board. im planning on shaping a 5'10" X 18" X 2'1/8" im planning on having about a medium nose rocker and a low tail rocker. im thinking of going for more a curvey outline aswel. im 15 on the 18th of this month so i dont know too much but i have been surfing since i was 10 and before that i was a real watersports and hands on kid. i work with wood alot and am making a hollow wood board which is half done. iv study alot on surfboards the last 2years and i feel im ready to shape something. iv got all the tools i need and know how to use them. the only few things il need advice on is chooseing the blank.
as im going to be shaping a 5'10 what sized blank should i go? 6'0 or 6'2. as im in australia im planning on getting my blanks from a conpany known as oceanfoam.