Shaping on A Saturday Afternoon in San Diego

max Long calls it the shadowy web…those familular paths traveled that can be reused psychicly for communicating etcetra…not having been to the spot before physically will make it more difficult but that specialpart of my spirit and all those spirits I have collected ,benevolent spirits only need apply,will be on their way to visit Yall’s enlivenment . I will be workin on the raffle boardthat oughta be about 9am =12pm pdt…sense [psychic] all you guys in a few hours and have plenny fun … ambrose…I’ll go to sleep now and try and find j.m’smoving vehicle and try help keep him awake thats a long drive

I want to thank Kieth again for the great day. Had a blast learning new tricks and hanging out with a great bunch of guys. Thanks Lee for the help on the edge board and everyone else who had a hand on it. Will post pictures soon of the day.

Mark Scott

I had a great time. Thank you Keith for the hospitality and everyone else for the use of your knowledge and templates. Hope we all can do it again sometime.


thank you Keith for your hospitality. I had great time and met some really cool shapers.

Hey all, it was a blast. Crazy fun… too bad we didn’t have surf that day, but otherwise it was shape-o-mania…

final hot coat this afternoon board shaped yesterday the 17th…interested to compare dna samples of o.b. boards to see if any psychic remote shaping influence is measureable… ambrose… waipouli to o.b.

I’m bummed I couldn’t make it, some work came up I had to attend to…

Even though I wasn’t there, I still wanted to say that Keith is a kind man for letting a bunch of guys come over and spill a bunch of resin or foam dust all over his backyard.


Ambrose -

Your presence was felt… the round trip journey lasted well into the wee morning hours but nothing in the way of a close call ever came remotely close.

Just want to say how bummed I was that the head high surf showed up the day AFTER all of you were here!! Sorry guys! Glassy & sunny too, oh well.

Ambrose – hope to see you in September~

Hey Shipman, Matt here. I gotta give you (and Keith and the rest of the crew) thanks for helping me out with my first board. I think it actually came out pretty good. Keith, I pinched those rails down once I got home and you’re right, it actually looks like a surfboard now. Any suggestions on where to get it glassed 'round our neck of the woods? I think I’ll try to glass #2 myself, but I’m kinda amping to try this one out right away…

Thanks again guys, I learned tons and had a blast.


Hey Keith,

Im fairly new here, but the shaping day sounded like a lot of fun!! That really rocks, if you have any kind of gathering again i’d definitely love to hang out and soak up the pro knowledge!! I was also curious about the shape-off? I have a shaped 9’1" Y sitting in my garage ready to be glassed… it just sounded kind of cool… Well, If you do it again I hope I can make it. Thanks!



Hey John, this is the 2nd one we’ve done, and yes, lots of fun. Keep your eyes peeled here, there will be a post in this area when we do it again.

The shape-off is at the SA2004 get together, don’t know if you’re signed up to go to that or not. If so, bring your board, for sure!! Take it easy,