Shaping on A Saturday Afternoon in San Diego

OK folks, SHAPING SESSION (not glassing this time) is scheduled for Saturday July 17, noon to whatever. Plan to get covered in foam dust, this is hands-on. Bring a blank and be ready to mow foam. (Ah, or just kibitz if that’s your preference!!) We can also trade templates and make some wood fins if anyone’s so inclined. To be followed by cold beer, and a surf session…

Last time was fun, this should be too. Be there or be square. Aloha,

PS remember the Swaylocks 2004 Shape-Off, this is your chance to carve up that 9’1"Y and be ready to enter…

This sounds great Keith. Where are y’all gonna be? I’ll bring a blank and some beer, for sure. Oh yeah, where’s my best bet to pick up a blank in SD area (don’t want to pay for boxing/shipping if possible)? Should I drive up to Foam EZ?

Thanks again,


Mitch’s in La Jolla is closer to you and they have a lot of blanks in stock. And/or they will order custom rockers/ stringers etc for you – sometimes that takes a while, though, depends on Clark. No boxing/shipping required.

Directions are in the earlier thread (glassing on a saturday etc.)

see you then, any questions just holler.


Yo Keith, got the directions… I live on Pescadero, so no sweat. See you on the 17th of July. Have a good 4th down @ OB, by the way (if you are staying in town - always fun to watch chaos, eh?).


OK, so far I have LeeV, Tenover, Benb, MSacht, plus possibly 4est and John Mellor getting together on the 17th for this. (Did I miss anybody? Any Texans coming?) LeeV, can you bring along your Hitachi so we have an extra planer?

if anybody else wants to join in, you’re welcome, but post a note here – I just want to make sure I have enough cold beer, eh?

PS I will most likely surf in the a.m. before our shaping session, and in the p.m. to rinse the dust off. Luckily we have 2 low tides that day!! Bring a board, or you can borrow one if that’s more convenient.

Ya, I’d like to get dusty with you guys. Maybe make a little board. I live in the hood. Cheers.

great, glad to have you. should be a fun afternoon. Maybe we’ll get really lucky and have some surf that weekend too, I’m getting pretty tired of the dinky dinky stuff…

I’ll bring my Hitachi and some templates…

How convienient… I just happen to have an engagement down in San Diego that evening… I wouldn’t mind stopping by if there’s still room. I don’t need to shape a board, I’m just there to pick off those random, but invaluable, small tips and techniques. Wouldn’t mind trading off some templates too, but most of what I have is for shorties.

Something I (we) could really get some valuable first hand experience from is Blade Sharpening and Hand Planer tuning. Any of you experts in the field? A small presentation on getting the stringer flush with the foam would probably be valuable to a lot of us as well - I think finishing technique in general is something that’s easy to cut short when you’re just making boards for yourselves…

Thanks again Keith

Hey Keith,

I’ll probably ride with Tenover again if there’s still room.

I have a blank but I’ll probably save it for Scott’s back yard and more free time.

                         Thanx Johnny...........

Glad you can make it, you too SoHaole. Well, stringers are definitely a tricky thing with a dull blade. I’m sure we can trade tips; I can show you what I do anyway…

hey Keith, I would like to attend. I won’t be bringing a blank. just want to see/learn how other swaylockians do it… I won’t take up much space… need anything from north county?


Count me in, I have an extra planer or two and a couple of extra blanks.

Mark scott

Hey Keith got room for one more? I have lots of templates.

Shipman, Mark, Kirk! come on down, should be fun!!

see you then,



can’t make that date, but if it gets rescheduled I’m interested.

Yo Keith, Matt here. Sounds like we’re all still on for tomorrow at noon. I’ll bring over my blank (8’3" E) and some beer? Low tide in the afternoon, are you guys going surfing then? I may try to get out early AM down south a bit…

Let me know if I all’s still going off as scheduled, or if you need me to bring anything else.



Keith -

Will be driving down early AM. Hope to get there around noon.

John Mellor

Yes, we’re still on. Like I said, 2 low tides, some will surf before, some will surf after. Some maybe both!

Sounds like a plan, man, see you then.

OK John, we’ll look forward to seeing you then. Trestles is supposed to be chest-high this morning, so if you’re a little late we’ll know why!!!