Shaping rails for 7' egg

I’m starting board #7 tomorrow, and I want to make a 7’ egg, sort of like the ones Tony Staples shapes. Up till now, I’ve only done the tucked under edge with a “fred”-type tool, but the rails I see on eggs always seem to lean more toward a 60/40 or 50/50 shape than just a light radius on modern shortboards. How does everyone handle rolling the bottom edge up, with a rail band or bands on the bottom of the board, similar to how you’d do it on the top? Still leave a hard area around the fins, or go pretty soft there too? Thanks!


Its not difficult just take it reeeeeeeeeeel slow…i use fred + soft block + sanding screen. I use fred as normal to get me closer then I angle/tilt fred as needed rather than just squaring it against a surface. To go 50/50 from there, technique will vary…I like a combo of a soft sanding block and slow sanding screen. Quite easy actually…soft rails are easier IMO. Patience…

Hard edges release water and thus facilitate speed…up to you on how you plan to use the board.

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