Shaping Room Cam

A guy at our factory installed a cam in diffrent parts of the factory. Pretty cool. It isn’t on all the time, but when it is you can watch shaping and glassing. is the site

He must be a good shaper, in the dark and all that.

Or is it night time there…I’d be leaving a light on if noone’s home, good security measure having a webcam operating 24/7…




A guy at our factory installed a cam in diffrent parts of the factory. Pretty cool. It isn’t on all the time, but when it is you can watch shaping and glassing. is the site

if he’s like shapers here , when the surf’s going off , no shaping’s going on

[…or, like our surf cams here, when the surf’s going off, the black masking tape is going on …]

yeah we are not quite in our summertime mode of working 24/7 yet. but if you tune in between 8:30am to 6:00pm ( california time)you should be able to see someone shaping or airbrushing. havent figured out what to do in the night time yet though - any ideas

Check out the Senator, James Fulbright. Max shapes there on call

Call Max @ (805) 963-8668

Just leave a light on…just one…

i have been thinking about putting up a disco ball in the room - you know - to keep it fresh - maybe with some midgets dancing. yeah i think i need to put a light on.

Something’s happening right now…so cool…


" I have been thinking about putting up a disco ball in the room …maybe with some midgets dancing…"

welcome to swaylocks !!

“…calling occupants of interplanetary shaping bays…”

…shipman , skeletor , hicksy , ambrose , herb spitzer , and now…Maurice !! [ and his oompah loompah shaping team ] …disco NEVER before looked so good !!


Someone turned the lights out, that board with the pink spray looked really good.

When do the midgets come out and dance, what happened to the mirror ball!!

yeah it is time to close shop - the midgets pulled a no show damn it.

thank you for the welcome mat!!