I’m sure everyone has had their share of shaping room disasters. This is my story:
I had just finished shaping a 7’2 minimal, nicely fine sanded… and on the way out the door way, knocked it on the door, and ripped a deep gouge in the foam.
Next 3 seconds of sound out of my mouth were F*****************************K.
After exhausting myself with expletives directed at the board… I came up with a nifty solution to my problem.
As painfull as it was for me to see a gouge in my nice clean smooth rail, it was more horrible to start widening and squaring out the gouge…so nervous and praying that it would end up OK… Here is a pic of the gouge cut out and ready for a foam insert…
Reading the other bits of foam… trying to cut a peice that would fit, sand it smooth to the shape and the contour of the rail… I made a really
great little tool… I cut a peice of balsa off, and super glued a bit of 80 grit to the stick… LOVE that tool… its like a little finger of sand paper… saved my ass!
Finally, after sanding and checking the size and re sanding and trying again, a finally glued a foam insert in… and then sanded it down to match the profile of the rail…
Absolutely stoked with the end result, and with a bit o spray paint the guy wont even be able to see it!!
Have you guys ever ripped little gouges into the foam by dropping tools or other accidents like hitting it on the dam door…
If so, what are your methods to fix the holes/gouges left?
I initially thought of using a mix of resin and q-cell to fill in the hole, but then it would have been impossible to match the resin to the contour of the rail and tape on foam the resin would seep under and all sorts of shit…
Basically I went from totally devastated to back to normal… so im stoked!
Enjoy the gutrenching photos, and heres hoping it doesn’t happen to you guys!
“All of the your problems can be solved with a bit of gaffa tape and super glue!”