shaping shack

hi there, i was wondering how i should go about making a room to shape in. there is all this info on how to make the board, but what about the shaping room. I know some things from being in them but i was wondering if there is someone who knows what is supposed to be in there. i know about the lights under the counters and painting the walls blue to stand out against the board, but what about shelf height and where to get those stands to shape on. i have been using a home made one and it is starting to fall apart. any help would be cool. thanks. -Jon

you can buy welded shaping racks from foam ez. your shelf heights will be determined by the height of your lights.

you can buy welded shaping racks from foam ez. your shelf heights will be > determined by the height of your lights. JC covers this a little in shaping 101. he says (if i remember correctly) a comfortable shaping height is to have the top of the blank about belly-button hieght. i find this a pretty good rule of thumb. so you can make some nice wood ones this height if you are looking to save money over the metal, adjustable ones. The lights/shelves just need to be a foot or so higher than the racks to cast a good shadow on the blank as you are shaping. i saw a nice photo of some super beefy looking wood racks on kim puringtons website: brian