Shaping sit in?

Not to crowd in… but I would love to see the “show” as well. I live in OC, but would gladly make the drive down to be able to see someone else shape… especially some power planer technique. I thought I had it down, then I bought a Clark Modified Hitachi… wow, that’s different.

Where in OC? I’m right up Ocean Height’s Ave in EHT. That’s possibly helpful for blank orders in the future (if you know anyone with a business address to ship them to you can save 30 bucks off shipping as well). I just bought a cheap knock off planer to start with, haven’t even gotten it in yet.

The last time I ordered blanks I had them shipped to my local shipping store. The independent kind of place that ships ups, Fed X, etc. They may allow a drop-off for less than $30. Always ask first.

Sorry Man… OC = Orange County - Southern California. About 5 minutes from FoamEZ, no shipping required.

hey bomb…where are you located in philly…i’m also a philly builder

Ummm, yea that’s a little bit further than Ocean City NJ…

OCNJ?? My family used to have a house there - on Ocean Rd. Spent many a childhood summer there. Ahhhh those were the days…

Any of the southern Cal. participants are welcome to stop by my shaping room, give me a call to make sure you are not dangling while I go for foam or deliver shapes. But, I blew out my knee really bad today stepping out the back door of my van while loading shaped blanks. I’ll be moving slow while I wait for a date with the knife to fix up those torn ligaments, tendons and cartillage.

Now you’re in Cali… at least you’ve got a bit higher caliber surf.

Sorry to hear about that. Don’t be in TOO much of a hurry to have surgery. Unless they tell you it’s absolutely necessary… Hmm. If I ever get a chance to drop by your shop, what kind of beer do you like?

philly? didn’t know there was surf in philly. just drove thorugh that part of the country late fall…beatiful. where do you surf?

Yea Jim… don’t underestimate Physical Therapy. The knife should be the last option.

Mt left knee is way past the therapy stage, it has been just waiting to do this again. If I had insurance 5 years ago when I did the original damage, I would have done it then. Today it is triple fawked, compared to yesterday and my tickets for Hawaii arrived yesterday. I’ve got to do it now, no time to waste. Last time was 5 months out of water and over a year to feel 80%

Sorry to hear that. I’ve had multiple injuries to my left knee too (skiing, soccer, and surfing) and had surgery once – it didn’t help all that much, either. Make sure you get a good surgeon, at least… a buddy of mine went though a hassle with his where a surgical tool broke off inside his knee - at least shapers don’t have to worry about that kind of thing with their tools!

i don’t surf in philly,just live there,the coast is no more than an hour away. philly is great city with tons to do…