Shaping stands half price at HomeDepot

Run, don’t walk. Act before mid-night. Home depot has great plastic Christmas tree stands half price ($8.00). Big ones. I guess the season is over for them. Some very clever Swaylockian posted plans for a shaping rack using these a while back. I bought a pair and will be building mine over the holidays.

And to those who profess to be anti-multinational-stores, a force will be watching you as you sneak those stands into your private rooms, which will make you wonder why your next beautifully shaped blank somehow accidentally and mysteriously fell off the racks.

Sounds like a good deal to me.

Remember the bewitching hour…


Some very clever Swaylockian posted plans for a shaping rack using these a while back.

anyone recall where those plans were located???

That would be me…crafty.

Buy the stands, concrete mix, some 2x4s and 8 threaded studs (one end wood other std thread), nuts and big washers. Drill some small holes in the interior webbing and feed clothes hanger wire throughout the bottom and top to reinforce the poured concrete (seperate pours) and prevent dropping out of the cavity. The rest is straight forward and can be seen in the pic attached. The upright racks have slots in them for vertical adjustment/leveling. There’s sanding screen between the adjustment surfaces so when you tighten the nuts down they dont slide down while shaping. I was fed up with light wobbly stands and after three previous quick and dirty attempts Im stoked with these…super solid and they roll around easily.

Let me know if you need more pics…

PS - I picked up two more stands a few days ago just in case I need a second set…cheap…they wont be around in July when I might need’em

Thx, Meecrafty, Those are the ones on sale for $8. Very beefy. Nice design. I’m going to flatter you over the holidays by copying.

Such kind words…please send pics of the latest offspring…

Ia Orana,

Hey I just picked up a set of these same tree stands at Lowes - $6.50 all their christmas stuff is 50% off. Thanks for sharing Meecrafty.

Poe Rava

OK, I’ll let this go after this post. Meecrafty had such a clever idea that I just had to copy it. I really like my plywood stand because it has a shelf so I added one to Meecrafty’s design. Very good design. Took longer than I planned to build it though. I used deck screws and white glue.

If I have done this correctly, my plywood (1 4X8 sheet of 3/4 inch) stand will show here too. I’ll be building a surf paddle board on these new racks. Thanks Meecrafty.

Is it important to have the 4 uprights level to each other from stand to stand? Or it it just important to have the 2 uprights level to each other on one stand?