Shaping US Blanks review

Some may know, some may not but FWIW….

Here in So. Cal. we are starting to see this new foam. If anyone remembers the foam company that used to be around, you know the one called Clark Foam, and what that foam was like then you’ll know what US Blanks are like.

That’s about it.

Except… the plugs seem to have been shaped from machined blanks and the molds seem to be made very well. What does that mean? The blanks are symmetrical with clean true decks and bottoms. No bumps, dips or flat spots on the 2 that I shaped today anyway. And the dozen or so we’ve got in the cue look and feel very good.

It was refreshing to outline the blanks and find the left side the same thickness as the right side and not have to straighten out the bottom or walk the deck off to clean off irregularities. Glue ups were good, stringers were clean. Geez, they even deliver, how rare is that?


Dennis --------------Thanks so much for you straight forward objective reveiw. I am sure that as more of these blanks become available thru FBGSH that we will see and hear many opinions. I have only looked and “pinched” them, but my immediate thought was “Clark”. Lowel “LH surf Designs Maui”

Thanks for the review, Dennis. Are the densities similar to Clark, or are they even throughout, like a Walker? I just shaped a Burford, and I liked the foam a lot–super crisp, and I was a little more relaxed about taking foam off the deck.

all of the plugs are new, machine shaped eps so the rocker would stay true through the glassing and molding steps.

its a different foam formula, its whiter and truer density through the middle.

the plugs are more modern, less flip in the tip, and for the most part they are more versitile…or at least bigger :slight_smile:

I’d say the density is somewhat softer in the middle. But from what I did with one of the blanks the density didn’t seem as soft as Clark when making deep cuts.

They are nice and white yes. Time will tell how they hold up, if they dent easy like the Clarks did and yellow around the dents. Delam. issues etc. We shall see.

I sure like their catalog and the rocker call out. Right now I wish they had an 8’10 though, I’ve got an 8’8 to do and don’t want to cut from a 9’3. Oh well…blanks…gotta love ‘um gotta hate ‘um.
