does anyone have any shaping video links? I dont really want to spend $30 bucks on a video im only going to watch a few times ya know? Ive seen the ones on expert village, but theyre all out of order and its just not very useful. or even if anyone has old videos at home and dont need them, ill buy it off you. i would appreciate it!
hey logger 33 get the john carper one, its good… he shows you like 3 ways to do each step… hey i know its 30 bucks but if your really into it , you should help out another fellow surfer/shaper…
I have both the Shaping 101 and the Master Series. In the begining I found the 101 to be easier to understand. You really should watch the videos more than a “few” times. After watching many times, I still find little things that I missed the first few times. At $30.00 its a cheap education.
The MASTER series is just that. You will cruise through it and think that you know “the WAY”. Only to find later that you need to reference the video as you come across any “issues” during your build (this makes borrowing it not much help). I see new things every time. Jim, Roger and JC learned it the hard way after many years and boards. So you can spend the 70 or so on the vids or more than 70/?? bucks wasted in your materials and time. I truly am thankful for this site and those dvd’s for speeding up the learning curve. If there is a part of the process that you need help with… (search… if not found ask!!) Good luck and post your end result!!
I bought the Riley DVD ( which was really detailed and informative. I know it’s a lot of money but when you brake down the cost of the DVD to every session you will enjoy on your board than it’s a very small price to pay.
It really helped me shape a board (see pics here: and I’d gladly pay that price again before spending money on materials and then getting a shitty result. When I ran into trouble they even helped me then by answering my stupid questions.