Sharing Some Stoke

About six months ago I tried to get a Hobie Terry Martin shape but came to the realization that it was just not in my budget (I had just bought a house and had 2 yr old at home). I ended up getting a board from a local shaper (Greg Eavey) and could have not been more stoked.

I am constantly watching an auction website called GOVDEALS.COM. I have never bought anything before but usually there are old cop cars, confiscated motorcycles or computers. Well about 2 weeks ago I spotted a 10” Hobie Terry Martin, Volan Moonlight Glass, Vintage Model. I waited and waited for the final sale date to put in my bid. I was able to get the board fairly cheap. I went and picked the board up last week and got really bummed out because there was more damage than expected. Friday night I stripped all the wax off and came to the realization I had a diamond in the rough. There was no delamination and all of the dings were from storage. I took the board to a ding guy yesterday and he confirmed my stoke.  So the moral of the story is if you search high and low and wait patiently you will find what you are looking for. I am now a proud owner of a Hobie Vintage shaped by “The Man”.