shark bite

Another shark bite at Marina.  2 in the last 5 years there.  The whole food chain moves in this time of year.  Stay alert.  He’s in ‘serious condition.’  Missed major arteries aparently. Mike

makes me wonder if he’s searching… for the rip curl search


sharks spook me sometimes. Hawaii, I would drift dive Hawaii Kai five times a week and usually saw everything but big tigers, USUALLY!

Then that dusk swim from the point against the current back to Haleiwa.

The whites give me a more sinister vibe for some reason. Still can’t figure that out but not so sure I need to.

Hope the guy heals well.


Hope he heals up

Lots of shark jokes in the water this morning.  Told a shortboarder friend that I was longboarding near him for cover since, by comparison,  he looked like an appetizer.

Despite the nervous laughter, I noticed more heads turning side-to-side than usual: many were periodically scanning for movement and shadows.   We all know they’re always around, but a recent attack does make it a bit harder to push the possibility into the back of your mind. 

Scant comfort, but you’re statiscally far more likely to be killed in a car crash on your way to the beach, or so they say…

Do those same statistics(ie. more likely to be stuck by lightning, die in car crash, etc.) apply to those of us that paddle out 7+ times a week??? It seems to me that I am more likely to be attacked than your average vacationer that decided to rinse off from a long day of sand castle building and was bitten.

2007, Todd Endris attacked at Marina. 2011, Eric
Tarentino. For those of us who study these things (I do,
occupational hazzard) there is an emerging pattern here.
Great Whites migrate. Where and where to? 3000’ ft. down,
middle of the Pacific between Hawaii & mainland. Winter, around
Farallon Islands off San Fran. What is the route? Duh…
The population is increasing (births off Malibu & San O, etc) and
the species is protected. Seals are protected also and a popular
in-route snack. Make the connections, people!!
Summer surf at Marina, pretty safe. Fall surf, take up another sport
or drive south! Monterey has had a recorded fatal attack also. We
need to realize when we go in the ocean, we become part of the
food chain…

hi mike !




we have had three fatalities within a seven week period here .


two in the perth metro region ... one at cottesloe , and one at rotto , within 12 days and 17kms of each other .


prior to that , a guy was taken at bunker bay , about three and a bit hours south of here , back in september .


here's some statistics the local rag printed up , the day after the rottnest island death


[notice the time of year for quite a few of them ... september to november / december , roughly = whale migration time of year . and baby dolphins and baby whales abound ...] Notice also that cottesloe has featured twice , unfortunately , in the last eleven years , and  gracetown , down south ...]




i certainly keep an eye out [or two , preferably , now all is good again with my right eye yeehaaawww thanks!] , doing the early morning water shots gig , since a mate brad had an encounter at scarborough a few years back [2005] ...



..., and , since my head-on 13 months ago [THAT was at midday , however ...and the american diver at rotto was taken at 1pm , on the same cloudy day i was swimming around here taking black and whites . when marty rang at 5am to give the report , i asked him how it looked . he said one word ..."sharky" . not reaaallly what i wanted to hear , but we got the shots and lived to surf another day . didn't stay out long though , that said . and we were close to shore [not that that means anything ...poor ken crew was taken at cottesloe in knee deep water in front of lots of horrified early morning icebergers [older people who swim all year round , without wetsuits ??  [aka "crazies?" ]

 this was the article on the rotto one , by the way ...





Best to avoid the dawn or dusk patrol. 



 and avoid going in the ocean at all , because attacks here happen ALL times of the  day , and in ALL kinds of weather .


  every body stay indoors on your computers , that's good , people  !  thank you ! 


[empty waves for us then !  yeehaa]





Hi Ben,

I read about those attacks.  Seems you guys get more than you fair share.  I like what Solstice said years ago, paraphrasing.  ‘The way you can tell if there are sharks in the water is to bend over and taste the water.  If it’s salty that means there are sharks.’  mike

hiya Mike !


  how have you been ?


" 'The way you can tell if there are sharks in the water is to bend over and taste the water.  If it's salty that means there are sharks.' "


.... true !


and ,


 if you want to know if there are cars on the road that might possibly kill you , simply lie in the middle of the freeway / highway / busy road , with your ear to the ground .....


[ I wonder which has more chance of killing us first ? ]