shark gets his!

I’ve attached a link to one of the wierder shark attack stories you could ever imagine. this is for those who had not yet heard about 8 year-old jesse arbogast, his uncle, and what happened on their visit to the florida panhandle earlier this week. thankfully, he is expected to survive!

I’ve attached a link to one of the wierder shark attack stories you could > ever imagine. this is for those who had not yet heard about 8 year-old > jesse arbogast, his uncle, and what happened on their visit to the florida > panhandle earlier this week. thankfully, he is expected to survive! I would just like to comment, being a father of a 3 year old, that I would do the exact same thing as the Uncle. I have so much respect for that Uncle and I have never met him. It is unfair, but an animal, especially one that is just doing what it’s genetics have programmed it do, is not to blame. All of the visitors to the coasts of Florida is what makes it such a feeding frenzy for sharks. That is like putting a starving human in a free buffet line, you are guaranteed that he is going to take a bite. However, the shark was delt with fairly and I do not think that one missing shark is going to affect the species. Just my thoughts.