Shipman Surfboards site

Excuse me Shipman if you don’t want so much atention, but i just realized that you have a website with some of your GREAT work and i think you’re so humble that we’ll never see this thread posted by yourself.

Anyone who likes the Bonzers, fishes, tints, pinlines, fins or any kind of surfboard in general should check the site.

Congratulations mate.

Isn’t Swaylocks a great place?

Keep doing the nice work!


WOW, those are some kick-ass boards and color designs. That rocket ship looks hot!

Great website!

Beautiful boards at a reasonable price

Wish you were in Oz

Oh well, if your ever heading over ???


Coque. Oh yeah I forgot about that website… … Thanks man. I am still kind of still working on it, but thats what I have so far. Thanks for the kind words guys.

Swaylocks is a great place!


Ben makes really nice wooden keel fins too…

Not sure the price but I bet they’re easy to ship UPS.