shipping resin international

Hey guys, new guy over here. First of all i want to say hi to everyone! You guys really have made a bible of shaping over here, i think its priceless that high caliber guys interact with us want to be/beginner shapers and find some time to help us out. Anyways, i come from Dominican Republic and im really interested in starting to shape my own surfboards, for the simple reason that i can’t pay almost 900 US dollars (yes…650 board+100 shipping to courier in miami+100 when it gets here) just for one board. I’d rather pay a little bit more, start shaping and hopefully in the long run start making boards for other people and get stoked when i see them rip!! :slight_smile:

i’ve got a bit good using the Aku shaper and researched alot over here, i feel confident in making the correct decisions when it comes the time to buy the tools/materials. I want to say thank you for that! But i feel like i’ve hit a wall right now…

How can i order resin research epoxy resin plus additive f to my country? Getting to Miami isn’t the problem, getting from there to my country is the real issue… is there any way it can be shipped to my country? airplane? ship? spaceship?

Have any of you guys tried the greenlight eps blanks? what do you feel about them?

Thanks in advance!


RR epoxy can be shipped via cargo ship from Miami … really easy to do this.  Email me and we can set up anything you need.  RR is made in FL.  We ship out of Miami regularly to Central and S. America and the Caribbean

Thanks for the quick response Greg… I’ll be sure to get in touch with you!