Had a baby wahine last fall. I’ve nicked named her the “time goblin” cause she can eat up my time like nothing else. I love her to death though and have all ready ordered her first blank, hence the problem. My wife and I share child rearing 50/50 and my shop time has all but disappered. Any one in the same boat with some creative ideas on how I can get back in the shop. My wife is a potter so I thought we could time share our hobbies but she seems content on passing up on her craft and that hasn’t been good for the shaping room. Any help would be appreciated. - Alaska
Had a baby wahine last fall. I’ve nicked named her the “time > goblin” cause she can eat up my time like nothing else. I love her to > death though and have all ready ordered her first blank, hence the > problem. My wife and I share child rearing 50/50 and my shop time has all > but disappered. Any one in the same boat with some creative ideas on how I > can get back in the shop. My wife is a potter so I thought we could time > share our hobbies but she seems content on passing up on her craft and > that hasn’t been good for the shaping room. Any help would be appreciated. > - Alaska …I’ve got two girls,7yrs.and 20 months.Here’s some shop time lulu’s I shall pass on to you…I’ve got to feed the dogs ,I fogot to feed them yesterday!..I got to feed the cat(she died last year,but my wife doesn’t know that)…I left that tool in my shaping room…GEEE,I need time to look for those things in storage…I Have to help a neighbor with something,or my neighbor needs to borrow a tool …I’ll build that table for you…curtain rods?..Boy,all this extra hard work is TOUGH,BUT IT’S just for you,so let me get back to fixing the muffler bearings on your car…I need to find my lefthanded monkey wrench,again…GOOD LUCK,AND CONGRADULATIONS,DADDY.Herb.
You might have to be honest about it, and make a deal with your wife. If the “New Kid On The Block” sleeps for several hours straight, try 8PM to 11PM for your shaping time. Your wife might be willing to agree to this time slot, if things around your house slow down then.
Alaska: It gets better. Enjoy them while you can. Time spent with your kids is a precious thing that never comes around again. I just got in from the shop tonight with my son who is 12 yrs. He started surfing in National Amateurs this year. Tommorrow is his second comptetiion. We went out to do the color panels on his new board. He helped me with the compressor lines and put the tape down tight on the outline. Just a tip on the girls- don’t burn them out on the dawn patrols! TS>>> Had a baby wahine last fall. I’ve nicked named her the “time > goblin” cause she can eat up my time like nothing else. I love her to > death though and have all ready ordered her first blank, hence the > problem. My wife and I share child rearing 50/50 and my shop time has all > but disappered. Any one in the same boat with some creative ideas on how I > can get back in the shop. My wife is a potter so I thought we could time > share our hobbies but she seems content on passing up on her craft and > that hasn’t been good for the shaping room. Any help would be appreciated. > - Alaska
I had to put surfing on hold when my daughter was born. That’s been 10 years. She loves to surf with me now. Those times I spent with her instead of spending so much time in the water or in the shaping bay were well worth it. Surfing and making boards will be with you for your whole life. Being involved with your daughter when she’s a baby is temporary.THEY GROW UP SO FU–ING FAST!!! You and your wife should still be able to in your hobbies as long as there’s a mutual understanding that priorities have changed. aloha, tom
I had to put surfing on hold when my daughter was born. That’s been 10 > years. She loves to surf with me now. Those times I spent with her instead > of spending so much time in the water or in the shaping bay were well > worth it. Surfing and making boards will be with you for your whole life. > Being involved with your daughter when she’s a baby is temporary.THEY GROW > UP SO FU–ING FAST!!! You and your wife should still be able to in your > hobbies as long as there’s a mutual understanding that priorities have > changed.>>> aloha, tom …Right on Tom and Tom S.,Just got back from my 7yr old’s first spar in karate class today. Definately stay involved !!! I also volunteer as a assist to the instructor to help with the large class size.I also bring the little dragon girl “Keani” who at 20 mo.s is showing suprising skills.I do this to give my wife a break,and it always comes back. Enjoy the time with your family as I know you do.It’s always healthy to joke about a touchy situation,it helps to laugh a little.Herb.
Had a baby wahine last fall. I’ve nicked named her the “time > goblin” cause she can eat up my time like nothing else. I love her to > death though and have all ready ordered her first blank, hence the > problem. My wife and I share child rearing 50/50 and my shop time has all > but disappered. Any one in the same boat with some creative ideas on how I > can get back in the shop. My wife is a potter so I thought we could time > share our hobbies but she seems content on passing up on her craft and > that hasn’t been good for the shaping room. Any help would be appreciated. > - Alaska Congradulations! When my daughter was 11, she’s 16 now, she discovered an old short board in our basement. She convinced me to take her surfing, I hadn’t been in about 20 years, so we went, the waves were slop. I pushed her into some white water and just as we were going in I caught a wave stood up and turned. I realized I could still do this, the rest is history, I owe it to her for rekindling an old passion. She turn out to be quite a watergirl, Competes in open water swims, on the beach patrol, rows on her school crew team (I am invoking a fathers right to brag)and still surfs with her dad. Nothing brings a bigger smile to me that watching her have a good day in the surf. Enjoy your daughter.
Do whatever you have to to sell more boards, after all they’re a little more understanding when money is involved…and less understanding when they think you have some(since you recieving money = they have money to spend)…but that is another subject… Good Luck, Matthew>>> Had a baby wahine last fall. I’ve nicked named her the “time > goblin” cause she can eat up my time like nothing else. I love her to > death though and have all ready ordered her first blank, hence the > problem. My wife and I share child rearing 50/50 and my shop time has all > but disappered. Any one in the same boat with some creative ideas on how I > can get back in the shop. My wife is a potter so I thought we could time > share our hobbies but she seems content on passing up on her craft and > that hasn’t been good for the shaping room. Any help would be appreciated. > - Alaska
Had a baby wahine last fall. I’ve nicked named her the “time > goblin” cause she can eat up my time like nothing else. I love her to > death though and have all ready ordered her first blank, hence the > problem. My wife and I share child rearing 50/50 and my shop time has all > but disappered. Any one in the same boat with some creative ideas on how I > can get back in the shop. My wife is a potter so I thought we could time > share our hobbies but she seems content on passing up on her craft and > that hasn’t been good for the shaping room. Any help would be appreciated. > - Alaska Alaska, They may be time goblins now and take you away from your passion, but they are the best things that has happened to me. I have two girls age 7 nad 4 my seven yr old surfs with me in the summertime when the water warmer, my four yr old wants to learn this summer.Being with them and having a business that you can allow thisto spend time with them. Not everyone can say that they can do this , being able to shape and spend time in my kids classes as a parent helper, coaching soccer and taking them to the beach. You can’t put a price on that… You will see it all change and come together for you. Take care of yourself and your family god bless Mark