another ''New'' movement
from the bowels
of surfer magazine
as the astute commodore mc Tavish
so aptly puts it in his interview...
plenty of people have made,
multi fins (not to mention wide short boards)
that it was simon the anderson who brought it to the world!
and of course mc,nat and brewer who made the first
8'6'' short boards popular and desireable!
our dear mesianic promotional surfers add 1 1/2''
to the width of the greatest surfboards
in the history of mankind are truely deserving
of laurels of bay leaves and adulation
from the consuming crowd .
that rancor released
lets get on to what the puck .
take the plunge
make a real wide board and then learn to ride it.
Wide starts at over 22 1/2'' and ranges up to 31 1/2.
research parameters require courage ,tenacity and ....
there has gotta be something else besides money...?
lemme think three things...cour,,,,tena,,,,, oh yeah wanna do it...
When the Validating factor is published lauditz,dates with tabloidable fembots,
and contestable skills on shockingly narrow spectral surfboard designs
no one player wishes to stray far from the conservative middle.
shoe size fin placement as is prescribed
by dr.Mc will be a manufacturing boon
as shipping un finned boards to point of sale
and immediately 'customized to fit'
will throw the tizzy into consuming frenzy.!
now back to wide,to bury the rail on a W I D E BOARD
the rider has to move his,or her back foot.
hard concept to grasp I admit
but revolutionary when you hink about it
the stationary rider manufactured over the last few decades
will indeed be challenged yet the footloose strollers and gamboliers of ancient long and longer
surfing disciplines may again become the oganisms of the hour!
oh yeah after the turn burying the rail
the foot must quickly be moved again for trim
and again for every redirection...
the Fast twitch muscle atrophy
hinted as a cause and effect relationship
for this design change is well taken
although a well thought out execution
of a given manuvere trancends the need
for twitching so popular with the flambouyant
grenadiers of youthful exhuberance.
the corky feature of a wide board
can be overcome by reducing
the thickness by up to 1/2
why not 1''thick 24''wide boards?
{be afraid be very afraid}
[the world about you is changing]
(in ways you will never expect)
life in a box is so secure
my cat loves to sleep in boxes
especially if they are open on top
the box that is.....